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Geopathic Stress and Cancer

Introduction Geopathic stress (GS) is a natural phenomenon which affects certain places and can be damaging to human health. The most usual cause of geopathic stress is certain minerals concentration, usually an underground water stream, flowing beneath a house. The water rapidly flowing through rock gives rise to an electromagnetic field which can affect the health of those living above it. Geopathic stress can also arise from a geological fault line that is, a deep crack in the bedrock which allows radiation from deep within the earth to come up to the surface.
Source: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research

Geopathic Stress and cancer

This study Geopathic Stress: A Threat to the Built Environment published in Academia.edu says:
Geopathic Stress affects almost each and every part of the built environment. This energy penetrates metals, concrete and other substance which have high degree of impermeability… If people sleep on such stress zones, they are susceptible to various diseases like cancer.

This Review Article An overview of Impact of Geopathic Stress on Environment and Human Health published in Environmental Science, Medicine says:

Prolonged exposure to geopathic stress at the workplace promotes stress and alters physiological status of a person such as high pulse rate, headaches, and affecting the blood circulation. Besides, one may also have increased susceptibility to various health conditions like tachycardia and cancer if they sleep in geopathic stress zones.

Many well-documented medical studies reported the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to black streams and showed that geopathic stress affected zones provokes malignant growths, atherosclerotic diseases and psycho-neurological problems. Researchers now believe that the Earth’s irradiation contributes to the development of malignancies and other growths resulting from teratogenic and blastomogenous actions. It has been reported that those who are living nearby power lines are more susceptible to headaches, irritability, allergies, anxiety, depression, and even stress on developing fetus, increased tumor growth or cancer.

Table 1. Professional Research on Geopathic Stress in Relation to Illness (see PDF 1: Geopathic Stress)

Research TeamLocation and Year of ResearchResearch goal / outcome
Baron Gustav
von Pohl
Germany (1920s)The concept of ‘cancer houses’: 95% in which beds people had died of cancer had connections to GS with a population of 3,300.
Blanche MerzSwitzerland (1920s)Correlated GS to cancer, noting full moon variations, as well as correlations of north/south lines to cramps and rheumatism, and east/west lines to inflammation.
1930sFirst to suggest that GS causes the human body to vibrate at much higher frequencies than normal, and can affect the immune system, making people
sleeping or working in geopathically stressed
locations more susceptible to viruses, bacteria, parasites, and environmental pollution.
Ernst HartmannGermany (1940s-60s)Described the global geomagnetic grids and their
influence on GS and concluded that cancer is a disease
of location.
Manfred CurryGermany (1950s-70s)Continued on Hartmann’s work, describing other global grids and their influences.
Hideyo Itakura
and Kan
Kenya (1979-1985)Found high incidence of Burkitt’s Lymphoma and
Kaposi’s Sarcoma per 100,000 population.
Ralf GordonEngland (1980s90s)Correlated 90% of all case studies on cancers of the
breast, lung, and cervix with GS.
Veronika Carstens (wife of former German President Karl
Germany (1985)Spontaneous healing of 700 terminal cancer patients
after they relocated their beds to an area free from
geopathic stress.
Otto BergmannAustria (1987-89)Clinical trial which included over 462,000 measurements and 6,942 tests to study the effects of GS on heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, blood sedimentation, blood circulation, electrical
conductivity of muscle points and skin resistance.
Kathe BachelerAustria (1989)Conducted a survey that included 3,000 apartments
and over 11,000 people and discovered 100% correlations between GS and 500 cases of cancer, and 95% correlation with ”problem” children.
Rudolf Kessler and Andreas
Germany (1992)52 patients demonstrated that chronic or recurrent diseases have a direct correlation to the presence of GS in bedrooms.
Andreas Kopschina,
Wolfgang and Ursula Daun
Germany (1994)Measured the ability of 8200 patients to recover from
chronic illness, regardless of the type of conventional
or integrative therapy in 34% of patients who were exposed to significant levels of GS. The study showed that until a person was taken off the geopathic structure, their capacity to heal was greatly impaired.

Geopathic Stress may elevate the risk of developing cancer.

This study says: Long-term exposure to stress-inducing factors usually causes more pronounced negative effects. It is widely known that in such cases of chronic stress the immune system may be down-regulated…In severe cases, cancer, cardiopathy, autoimmune diseases and major psychopathies may develop… Electromagnetic fields – no matter what their source is – under certain circumstances may be hazardous to health, possibly affecting a number of important bodily systems, such as the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the immune system, thereby also elevating the risk of developing cancer.

Geopathic Stress Testing in Ireland.
If you live in Ireland you can visit Positive Energy website to learn more about Geopathic Stress or have your home tested. 

Survival Tips

Page updated January 2025

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