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Chlorine Dioxide Solution for Cancer

In 2012, Dr. Andreas Kalcker developed Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)

The following information is published on his website

What is CDS?

CDS is a concentrated 0.3% (3000ppm) aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide, with no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) content in solution and has a neutral pH.

According to in vitro and in vivo studies, chlorine dioxide in the form of CDS is broken down to salt (in minimal amounts) and oxygen in the body. Therefore, CDS is able to increase oxygen levels in the blood, whether used orally or intravenously. At the same time, it eliminates pathogens due to its recognized biocidal capacity and rapidly reduces metabolic acidity, which is the true cause of most diseases known today.

CDS, according to more than 5000 physicians of the international  COMUSAV organization is the greatest discovery in medicine in the last hundred years.

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical commonly used in water treatment. It is used to kill pathogens found in water. The FDA, WHO and other agencies worldwide have approved its use in drinking water because of its safety and efficacy. It is widely used around the world to remove bacteria, viruses and other pathogens through oxidation, leaving no harmful residues.

Is it safe?

Contraindications: Do not inhale massively! Inhalation should be avoided for safety reasons (except by experienced physicians and in hospitals). However, CDS concentrate can be applied to the skin as a spray. Do not use occlusive dressings with the concentrate to avoid irritation.

Known Interactions: CDS reacts with antioxidants such as synthetic vitamin C and loses its efficacy. Therefore, simultaneous use of antioxidant pharmaceutical supplements should be avoided. No issues have been described with the ingestion of vegetables or other foods if taken half an hour apart.

Adverse Effects: No serious adverse effects have been reported after many years of use or in three peer-reviewed clinical trials involving more than 3500 patients [Aparicio et.al, Insignares et.al, and others] and thousands of independent medical clinical reports. No adverse signs were observed in hepatic, renal, and QT levels either. They even subsequently improved. The alleged deaths have turned out to be false upon examination by pathologists.

Side Effects: According to current studies, only 6% of patients have experienced mild effects. These are considered transient healing crises (Herxheimer) and are very low. The effect is higher in people taking many medications (polymedicated, intoxicated by heavy metals and/or parasites) and is usually due to toxin accumulation. Mainly observed effects include increased urination, tiredness, dry mouth at high doses, mild headache, slight increase in mucous activity, reflux, and temporary increase of gases. All these symptoms disappear after 7 days or upon discontinuation of use.

In intravenous clinical use, vein irritation (phlebitis) has been observed in some cases, especially when injected with an excessive concentration (> 80 ppm) or too rapid application, particularly if the pH has not been previously adjusted with a bicarbonate solution to a pH of 7.4-7.6. This treatment is exclusively for physicians and researchers under the Helsinki protocol (AMA).

Supporting Studies

This 2018 article published in Journal of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis says: A first patient with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas has decided, on his own, to refuse chemotherapy but to treat himself with lipoïc acid, hydroxycitrate combined with oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide.

His blood tests and radiological examinations have almost normalized and the disease is stable at 18 months. Another patient with hormone resistant metastatic prostate cancer has experienced a sharp drop in PSA level as well as improved medical condition. From extensive literature review, the mechanism of action of chlorine dioxide is unknown.

It is our hypothesis (albeit unproven) that chlorine dioxide results in tumor cell acidification of the alkaline pH of cancer cells.

This 2023 study which looked at  case series of patients with cancer (metastatic prostate cancer, metastatic kidney cancer, metastatic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) treated with chlorine dioxide-based therapy concluded:
For each case, after treatment with CDS in three different types of cancer, a significant antitumor response was observed in all metastatic tumors., with no associated side effects. The treatment based on chlorine dioxide is safe and cost-effective. Controlled clinical studies in patients with incurable advanced cancer are proposed to determine the efficacy and safety of CDS protocols.

2024 study
Case  Report:  Compassionate  application  of  chlorine  dioxide-based  solution  in  a  patient with metastatic prostate cancer
In  October  2019,  a  64-year-old  Mexican  male  was  diagnosed  with  metastatic  prostate  cancer.  In  February  2020,  the  patient  refused  chemotherapy and immunotherapy to choose metabolic therapy. Additionally, the patient followed a ketogenic diet and 20 h of intermittent fasting. During therapy, the patient did not have significant side effects.

In March 2020, the patient started the oral CDS protocol by adding 1 ml of vehicle dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 70 % to the solution and the enema CDS protocol by absorption. In 2021, the patient added 5 g of clinoptilolite zeolite to the diet during fasting and before each meal.

 In 2022, the patient balanced oral and enema therapy with the intravenous CDS protocol, which the patient administered monthly according to previously described doses. Currently, the patient is without deficits or alterations in the daily routine. The patient had normal (> 4 ng/ml) prostate antigen values and maintained periodic control, with a forty-four-month follow-up from diagnosis.

The treatment with CDS protocols showed a consistent and clinically significant anticancer response, with no associated side effects.

Further info:

See: CDS Supplier
See: CDS Facebook group
See: andreaskalcker.com
See: CDS protocols
See: Dr Kalcker’s book: The Essentials: CDS Protocol Guide by Andreas Kalcker.

Note: This is for information only – I have no connection whatsoever with Andreas Kalcker.

Cancer Treatment Options

Page created January 2025

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