About Cancer Ireland

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where does the info on this site come from?

The information on this site has already been published online or in print form by others. This site simply brings it all together so that cancer patients don’t have to search numerous sites to find the resources they need. 

Sources include: Cancer researchers, Health professionals, Recovered patients, Clinical studies, Integrative cancer clinics, Medical journals, books and magazines, Government websites includingthe USNational Cancer Institute and PubMed – a database of clinical studies curated by the US National Library of Medicine.

Q. Who operates this website?

Cancer Ireland is owned, maintained, and funded by:
Tommy Roche
Kilkenny City, Ireland

Facebook: facebook.com/cancerireland
Twitter: twitter.com/cancerireland

Q. Why was Cancer Ireland set up?

Cancer Ireland was set up because neither oncologists nor cancer charities provide much information about alternative or complementary cancer therapies that could be of enormous benefit to patients.

Q. What makes this site different from other Irish cancer-related websites?

Q. What are the main goals of Cancer Ireland?

Cancer Ireland Mission:
To promotes awareness of all the cancer tests, treatments and strategies being used worldwide to help patients recover from cancer as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Cancer Ireland Vision:
A world where safe, effective methods of curing cancer replace the treatments currently in use by mainstream oncology. because many of these are highly toxic and largely ineffective.

Q. What resources are used on this site?

All images used on this site are reproduced legally. Most are used under a Creative Commons License, or they are in the public domain.
Sources include: Pixabay.com  Pexels.com and freedigitalphotos.net
Icons: pngtree, stickpng, cleanpng Cliparts Zone
Smashicons from www.flaticon.com

All articles on this site are copyright their respective owners. Sources include:
(a) government websites whose information is in the public domain
(b) Open Source / Open Access websites and studies
(c) websites that allow articles to be reproduced by non-profit websites
(d) other sources under Fair Use copyright laws.

Great care is taken to ensure that no copyright infringement occurs. Any complaints in this regard should be sent to: tommy@cancerireland.ie

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Q. What is Cancer Ireland’s Cookie Policy?

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Page updated January 2025

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