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Cancer Tests

A range of Cancer Tests to help you make informed treatment decisions.

Chemosensitivity Test (Personalized cytometric profiling)

Chemosensitivity tests reveals which anti-cancer drugs are effective at killing each patient’s cancer cells and which agents are not effective. The most promising drug regimen can be selected for each cancer patient, increasing the odds for treatment success. At the same time, ineffective drugs are avoided.

This spares the patient needless exposure to harmful side effects from drugs that can’t possibly help them. Further, valuable treatment time is not wasted and the patient does not incur unnecessary costs from expensive but ineffective treatments.
Source: Weisenthal Cancer Group

Update: Chemosensitivity Tests can show up drugs designed for a cancer type other than yours that will actually treat you.

These Tests are available from:
R.G.C.C Group
Tests your sensitivity to both chemo drugs and natural substances.
Europe: email: info@rgcc-europe-nw.com
USA and Canada: email: info@rgccusa.com

Biofocus (Germany)
Tests your sensitivity to both chemo drugs and natural substances.

Testing on samples from UK and Ireland.
Shipment of samples from these countries is possible by FedEx, DHL-Express or TNT. Usually, the shipment takes 1 day. Cooling is not necessary if samples are delivered during one day. If transit time exceeds one day, we recommend you send samples in a foam box with some cooling bags enclosed.

Therapy Select (Germany)
Email: kontakt@therapyselect.de

NextGenOncology (Germany}

maintrac (Asia & Europe)
Dr. Martin Burow Email:info@dmb-diagnostics.de Skype: Martin.Burow

Weisenthal Cancer Group (USA)
email: mail@weisenthalcancer.com

Nagourney Cancer Institute (USA)
Nagourney Cancer Institute.

Pierian Biosciences (USA)

Helomics (USA)

Genostics Australia and New Zealand

Risk of Recurrence

Prostate Cancer – Risk of Recurrence

These Tests are available from:

Oncotype DX® Prostate Cancer Assay
Test available from: Oncotypeiq

The Oncotype DX Genomic Prostate Score (GPS) assay is the only genomic assay designed for men with clinically low-risk cancer to help make treatment decisions at the time of diagnosis. The assay analyzes prostate cancer gene activity to predict disease aggressiveness. Article source: Oncotypeiq

Breast Cancer Risk of Recurrence

These Tests are available from:

Oncotype DX® Breast Cancer Assay
Available from: Your oncologist in Ireland or Oncotypeiq

The Oncotype DX® Breast Cancer Assay can help physicians and patients decide on the best course of treatment. For invasive breast cancer, the Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay predicts chemotherapy benefit and the likelihood of distant breast cancer recurrence. The Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay for DCIS patients predicts the risk of local recurrence.
Article source: Oncotypeiq

Available from: Agendia.com (through your physician).
Agendia’s MammaPrint is a test which determines how aggressive a breast cancer tumour is. The MammaPrint result will enable your physician to determine what would be the best kind of treatment for you following your operation.
Source: agendia.com

Available from: Nanostring Technologies (through your physician).
Prosigna provides a risk category and numerical score for assessment of the risk of distant recurrence of disease at 10 years in postmenopausal women with node-negative (Stage I or II) or node-positive (Stage II), hormone receptor-positive (HR+) breast cancer.

The Prosigna Assay will be available for diagnostic use when ordered by a physician in the U.S. The Prosigna Assay has been CE-marked and is available for use by healthcare professionals in the European Union and other countries that recognize the CE Mark and in which Prosigna is registered. Source: Nanostring Technologies

Available from: Myriad Genetics Inc. EndoPredict is a 2nd generation breast cancer recurrence test for highly accurate assessment of 10-year risk of distant recurrence. Both gene expression with clinicopathological features are integrated into the EndoPredict test result to provide improved prognostic performance. EndoPredict is appropriate for women with:

Colon Cancer – Risk of Recurrence

These Tests are available from:

Oncotype DX® Colon Cancer Assay
Test available from: Oncotypeiq

The Oncotype DX® Colon Cancer Assay quantifies recurrence risk in stage II and stage III colon cancer, beyond traditional qualitative measures. This enables an individualized approach to treatment planning. The Oncotype DX test measures a group of cancer genes in the tumor, providing a quantitative Recurrence Score® result beyond traditional measures so physicians and patients can have a more complete discussion of recurrence risk.The Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® result, when combined with mismatch repair status and T-stage, provides an individualized, quantitative and reproducible assessment of recurrence risk to help guide treatment decision-making for patients with stage II and stage III colon cancer.
Article source: Oncotypeiq

Tests to Verify Treatment is Working

Peace of mind
There are a number of laboratory tests you can use to find out whether or not your treatment if working effectively. Having this information can save you precious time and give you the chance to change to a different treatment if the current one is not working. 

These Tests are available from:

Available from R.G.C.C Group
Europe email: info@rgcc-europe-nw.com
USA and Canada: email: info@rgccusa.com

Circulating Tumour Cells are cancer cells which have broken away from the primary tumor and have entered the blood stream where they circulate and have the potential to generate metastatic disease. These cells can be isolated and identified and there is growing interest in their detection for the following purposes.

1. The early detection and diagnosis of new cancers
2  Monitoring existing cancers
3  Prognosis – providing information about the risk of recurrence of a current or old cancer
Source: R.G.C.C Group

Available from CellSearch. This is from the CellSearch website:

Changes in CTCs are predictive of disease progression among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The FDA-cleared CELLSEARCH® CTC Test aids in the monitoring of patients with metastatic breast, prostate*, or colorectal cancer.

Changes in CTCs are predictive of disease progression among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The FDA-cleared CELLSEARCH® CTC Test aids in the monitoring of patients with metastatic breast, prostate*, or colorectal cancer.

Serial testing for circulating tumor cells (CTCs) should be used in conjunction with other clinical methods for monitoring, such as imaging, lab tests, physical examination, and complete medical history to assess patient prognosis throughout the course of disease.

The AMAS Test
Available from: Oncolabinc

Physicians around the country are recommending and administering the AMAS test on a regular basis for patients at high risk for cancer, and for follow-up purposes on patients already diagnosed and/or treated for cancer.
Article source: Oncolabinc

Note for patients outside the U.S
In an email to cancerireland.ie, Oncolabinc said:
“We will do the AMAS test for European clients, but as stated below, it can be quite difficult. We have a partner in Germany who can run tests for those in Germany and Austria – patients can email us at info@oncolabinc.com requesting that information if they would like.”

HCG Urine Immunoassay
Available from: Navarro Medical Clinic

Currently, many cancer patients take advantage of the diagnostic accuracy of the HCG test as an indicator of the effectiveness of their specific mode of therapy. Thousands of cancer survivors have used this test over the years to keep track of their treatment(s) success and check on the status of their remission. Article source: Navarro Medical Clinic

Available from: maintrac and Genostics
maintrac monitors the response to cancer therapies
Cancer cells can change during the course of disease. Monitoring these cells in their number and structure is important for early tailoring therapy and for selecting the most effective drugs. By determining dynamics in the number of tumor cells, the tumor activity can be monitored.

Benefits for patients:
maintrac helps to find a customized, personalized and effective therapy.

maintrac enables control of success of the applied therapy.

  1. Enumeration of the circulating tumor cells provides us with information whether the cells successfully are reduced by the therapy or increase despite therapy, i.e. the treatment is not effective.
  2. During maintenance therapy, maintrac helps to determine whether therapy is still effective.
  3. The drugs which destroy most of the circulating tumor cells can be tested even before chemotherapy. Thus the most effective therapy can be determined. Even naturopathic therapies can be monitored.

Article source: maintrac (company website)

See also: Current and potential use of MAINTRAC method for cancer diagnosis and prediction of metastasis.

maintrac Representation for Asia & Europe
Dr. Martin Burow

Skype: Martin.Burow

maintrac Representation for Australia and New Zealand
E drfluhrer@genostics.com.au
F https://www.facebook.com/Genostics

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Tests to Detect Cancer Early

Early cancer detection will give you lots of time to change your diet and lifestyle before the condition has time to develop into full blown cancer.

These Tests are available from:

ONCOblot® Test
Test available from : Oncoblot Labs (USA)

Blood Test for Early Detection of Cancer
The ONCOblot® Test is a sensitive blood test for cancer. It identifies ENOX2 proteins, which indicate the tissue of origin and confirm the presence of cancer, in the bloodstream.

Non-Invasive Option for Cancer Presence
The ONCOblot® Test is a non-invasive follow-up to existing tests such as a High PSA, Abnormal Mammogram, Suspicious PET Scan, and biopsies.
Article source: Oncoblot Labs

Test is available from: R.G.C.C Group
Europe: email: info@rgcc-europe-nw.com
USA and Canada: email: info@rgccusa.com

This test will report the number of Circulating Tumor Cells and any positive Circulating Cancer Stem Cells, and the immunophenotype of these cells.

Circulating Tumour Cells
CTCs are cancer cells which have broken away from the primary tumor and have entered the blood stream where they circulate and have the potential to generate metastatic disease. These cells can be isolated and identified and there is growing interest in their detection for the following purposes.

1. The early detection and diagnosis of new cancers
Monitoring existing cancers
Prognosis – providing information about the risk of recurrence of a current or old cancer

R.G.C.C. Group offers general assays for CTCs and for specific cancers, including breast, colorectal, prostate, malignant melanoma and sarcomas.
Source: R.G.C.C Group

CellSearch ®
Test available from: Menarini Silicon Biosystems (Europe and USA)

New method for measuring circulating tumor cells in blood.
The test identifies and counts the number of circulating tumor cells, down to 1 cell, and from an ordinary 7.5 ml blood sample. The cut off limit is 5, so if the patient has less than 5 CTCs the prognosis is far better than if the number is above.

By a cell count over 5, the goal of proper treatment is to lower the count to below 5, which substantially improves the prognosis. Is the number under 5, the doctors will probably choose a milder and less toxic treatment, and can thus save the patient from severe side effects.

With the CTC test it is possible, after as early as 3 weeks, to see if a given treatment works. If not, it can be stopped immediately and replaced by another type of treatment. This saves valuable time by avoiding unnecessary treatment often associated with many side effects, and the CTC test is capable, much better than previously, of predicting a specific prognosis.
Article source: Humlegaarden

Nagalase Blood Test
Test available from: European Laboratory of Nutrients
The Netherlands.
Nagalase in blood is a sensitive test for monitoring the effect of the therapy in patiënts with cancer and certain viral infections, including HIV. Because of the short half-life of nagalase the method is suitable for monitoring various types of therapy. The great sensitivity of the test will help the physician / oncologist to obtain a better understanding of the therapy and to fine-tune the treatment.
Source: European Laboratory of Nutrients

HCG Urine Immunoassay
Test available from: Navarro Medical Clinic

Developed in the late 1950s, by the renowned oncologist, the late Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, the test detects the presence of cancer cells even before signs or symptoms develop. Dr. Navarro found HCG to be present in all types of cancers. The test is based on a theory proposed by Howard Beard and other researchers who contend that cancer is related to a misplaced trophoblastic cell that become malignant in a manner similar to pregnancy in that they both secrete HCG. As a consequence, a measure of the amount of HCG found in the blood or urine is also a measure of the degree of malignancy. The higher the number, the greater is the severity of cancer.

Urine, as opposed to blood or serum, is the preferred specimen for the test.
The test detects the presence of brain cancer as early as early as 29 months before symptoms appear; 27 months for fibro sarcoma of the abdomen; 24 months for skin cancer; 12 months for cancer of the bones (metastasis from the breast extirpated 2 years earlier).

Currently, many cancer patients take advantage of the diagnostic accuracy of the HCG test as an indicator of the effectiveness of their specific mode of therapy. Thousands of cancer survivors have used this test over the years to keep track of their treatment(s) success and check on the status of their remission. Article source: Navarro Medical Clinic

The AMAS Test
Test available from: Oncolabinc (USA)
Note for patients outside the U.S
In an email reply to cancerireland.ie, Oncolabinc said:
“We will do the AMAS test for European clients, but as stated below, it can be quite difficult. We have a partner in Germany who can run tests for those in Germany and Austria – patients can email us at info@oncolabinc.com requesting that information if they would like.”

Physicians around the country are recommending and administering the AMAS test on a regular basis for patients at high risk for cancer, and for follow-up purposes on patients already diagnosed and/or treated for cancer.

Unlike tests such as CEA, which measure less well-defined antigens whose serum levels tend to be inconstant but elevated late in the disease, the AMAS test measures a well-defined antibody whose serum levels rise early in the course of the disease.

A common clinical situation involves signs or symptoms suggesting a disorder which may or may not be malignant. While neither AMAS nor any other clinical laboratory test can by itself answer this question, AMAS test results may help the physician in the diagnostic process. Article source: Oncolabinc

Galleri Test
The Galleri test looks for signals present in the blood that could indicate the presence of cancer. If a cancer signal is detected, the results can point to where in the body the cancer signal is coming from with high accuracy. This can help your healthcare provider guide your next steps.

EarlyCDT®– Lung
Test available from: Oncimmune (List of laboratories offering this test worldwide)

EarlyCDT®Lung is a simple blood test which is ordered by your Doctor to aid in the risk assessment and early detection of lung cancer.

Early in the development of a solid tumour cancer, the body mounts an immune response to certain by-products, or proteins, (tumour antigens) from cancer cells by producing autoantibodies. These autoantobodies which can rise in the earliest stages of cancer, and have been shown to be present at all stages, are produced in sufficient quantities to be measured in an individual’s blood using a simple blood test, EarlyCDTLung.

There is no one type of tumour associated antigen or autoantibody that can be used to detect all or any type of cancer, therefore EarlyCDTLung has been developed to measure a panel of 7 autoantobodies associated specifically with lung cancer.

EarlyCDTLung has been developed so that individuals at moderate or high risk of developing lung cancer can benefit from an increasing chance that lung cancer can be detected at the earliest possible stages, when treatment can be most successful.

The EarlyCDTLung test can also be used in conjunction with diagnostic imaging such as x-ray or CT scan, to further assess the risk of lung cancer being present where indeterminate lung nodules have been detected but which may or may not be a sign of cancer.

This is not a genetic test for predisposition—a positive test may indicate the presence of the disease and an increased risk of malignancy. The test is sent to and performed in the CLIA-certified laboratory in Kansas City, USA. Currently, Early CDTLung is in use by more than 2000 physicians across the United States, and has aided in the detection of numerous early stage lung cancers. It is now also available in the UK.
Article source: Oncimmune

Other tests:

NextGenOncology (Germany}

Genetic Sequencing

Tissue samples (blood in some cases) from biopsies can be genetically sequenced to aid treatment decisions. For example, drugs that are useful for fighting your cancer may be discovered. Genetic Sequencing is available from:

Foundation Medicine
Molecular Health
Concert Genetics

Page updated January 2025
Cancer Treatment Options

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