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Dr. Coy diet

Since malignant cancer cells metabolise blood sugar into lactic acid, the Coy diet uses very minimal amounts of carbohydrates and sugars. In doing so, the cancer cells are cut off from their main energy supply, glucose, and lose strength, which weakens cancer cells, so that treatments are more effective.

Dr. Coy‘s Anti-Cancer-Diet

Source: Petra Wiechel, Senior Physician Paracelsus Clinica

Dr. Coy‘s Anti-Cancer-Diet is based upon his own findings in cancer research. What new ideas does it bear? Cells require sufficient energy in order to maintain their functionality and proliferation. A cancerous cell has two possible options to do so: combustion or fermentation. Dr. Coy was able to prove that shifting from combustion to fermentation results in resistance against chemo- and radiotherapy. It also leads to invasiveness and metastasis.

Anti-Cancer-Nutrition according to Dr. Coy comprises:
1. Reduction of carbohydrate consumption to max. 1g carbohydrates / 1 kg bodyweight, in order to cut off the energy supply for fermenting cells, which benefit from a high blood sugar level.

2. Secondary phytochemicals which also serve to retard fermentation.

3. Activation of those «power stations» responsible for cellular energy consumption – mitochondria: by ensuring an ideal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids as well as by medium-chain triglycerides.

4. Deacidification by dextrorotary lactic acid in order to allow the individual immune system to recharge.

About Dr Coy

Source: www.drcoys.ie

Dr. Johannes Coy first began exploring the relationship between the best natural foods and good health while researching new treatments for cancer at the German Cancer Research Institute in Heidelberg.

During his PHD work Dr. Coy concentrated on the identification of genes. He carried out breakthrough research in 1995 and discovered the TKTL1 gene which enables a change in metabolism. Dr. Coy explored the relationship between cancer cells and sugar whereby oxidation in certain cancer cells and sugar metabolism is critical for creating resistances to chemo and radiotherapies. He was then awarded with the summa cum laude for excellence in his work.

This led him to the idea that, if there were a way to starve cancer cells of these common types of sugar, while continuing to supply patients with energy via galactose for example, and other life-enhancing nutrition, treatments like chemotherapy would be much more effective.

Dr. Coy soon realised that nutrition was in fact the key to physical and mental health. He saw that the nutritional habits of the western diet were actually causing the major western diseases – including diabetes, coeliac disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. His aim then was to create foods that are not just therapies but are also preventative.

In 2006 Dr. Coy was awarded the Diaita Science Prize at Medica by the German Society for Nutrition and Prevention which honoured his exceptional scientific achievements in the area of cancer research, diagnostics and therapies.

Dr. Coy’s central aim has always been that his research and discoveries be used to improve well-being. He likes to stress that he doesn’t intend for his work to displace traditional medical therapies, but to make them more effective – and to enhance the health and vitality of not only patients, but the rest of us as well.

At the end of 2009, Dr. Coy published a book, ‘The New Anti-Cancer Diet’. In September 2010, his second book was published, ‘The Anti-Cancer Diet Cookbook’, and in February 2011 his successful series continued with his third book, ‘The 8 Anti-Cancer Rules’.

Published Clinical Trials / Studies / Reviews

The Role of Glucose Metabolism and Glucose-Associated Signalling in Cancer

Expression of Transketolase like gene 1 (TKTL1) predicts disease-free survivalin patients with locally advanced rectal cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy

A Low Carbohydrate, High Protein Diet Slows Tumor Growth and Prevets Cancer Initiation

Diagnostic use of epitope detection in monocytes blood test for early detection of colon cancer metastasis

Transketolase-like protein 1 (TKTL1) is required for rapid cell growth and full viability of human tumor cells

Where can I get this treatment and more information?
www.tavarlinshop.de/ (German language site)

Updated September 2024

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