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Myers Cocktail

The “Myers Cocktail” is an intravenous vitamin and mineral protocol developed in the 1970s by physician John Myers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Myers pioneered the use of intravenous vitamins and minerals as part of the overall treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions, including cancer treatment alternatives. IV nutrient therapy can be more effective than taking things orally for correcting intracellular nutrient deficits.

The idea of the Myers Cocktail is that many illnesses and conditions are associated with digestive problems – bloating, leaky gut, indigestion, and food sensitivities. People with such conditions may not absorb many of the nutrients they need for health. Also, many diseases cause the body to use nutrients at a faster rate, or to require higher amounts for proper healing. When nutrients are injected intravenously, the digestion is bypassed.

With a Myers Cocktail, levels in the bloodstream are temporarily increased so that the nutrients are “coaxed” into the cells, and frequently into the mitochondria where they are active. This temporary boost frequently “kick-starts” the cells, so that energy is produced more efficiently in them.

The basic formula is usually vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, and B6; magnesium and calcium. Doctors can customize the “cocktail” for each patient.

The nutrients in the Myers Cocktail have direct pharmacological effects without the drug side effects. When cells are repeatedly flooded with these nutrients, health improvements are cumulative and often times permanent. While some people may initially need regular IV pushes, others do quite well with an occasional “boost” to maintain.

Side Effects and Precautions
The Myers’ often produces a sensation of heat, particularly with large doses or rapid administration. This effect appears to be due primarily to the magnesium, although rapid injections of calcium have been reported to produce a similar effect. The sensation typically begins in the chest and migrates to the vaginal area in women and to the rectal area in men. For most patients the heat does not cause excessive discomfort; indeed, some patients enjoy it. However, if the infusion is given too rapidly, the warmth can be overbearing.

When administered with caution and respect, the Myers’ has been generally well tolerated, and no serious adverse reactions have been encountered with approximately 15,000 treatments.

Source: Intravenous nutrient therapy: the “Myers’ cocktail”.

Cancer Treatment Options

Updated September 2024

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