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Physical Exercise

•Prolongs Survival
•Reduces Cachexia
•Reduces Chemo-brain
•Boosts Immunity
•Improves quality of life
•General protection from radiation therapy

Studies show a 25%–48% decreased risk of death from all causes.

If you’re a cancer patient, it’s important to take special care of yourself. Studies show that one of the best ways to do this is to stay physically active.

Moderate aerobic exercise, such as taking a daily walk, coupled with the use of light weights for strength training, can enhance physical well-being , speed recovery and contribute to prolonged survival. It also elevates mood, offering drug-free relief for the feelings of depression that may accompany a cancer diagnosis.

Yoga has been shown to reduce stress hormone cortisol levels enormously, and Tai Chi and Qigong also have significant benefits for minimal effort.

Being physically active after a cancer diagnosis is linked to better cancer-specific outcomes (Recurrence, progression, and survival) for several cancer types (study).

One prospective observational study of 933 women with local or regional breast cancer found that any moderate-intensity exercise after diagnosis, such as brisk walking, reduced mortality risk by 64% compared to inactive women.

This systematic review of a number of studies involving 68,000 cancer patients found that superior levels of exercise following a cancer diagnosis were associated with a
28%–44% reduced risk of cancer-specific mortality,
21%–35% lower risk of cancer recurrence,
25%–48% decreased risk of all-cause mortality.

This 2025 Systematic Review of 42 studies involving 46,694 cancer patients examined the association between muscle strength and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) with all-cause and cancer-specific mortality in patients diagnosed with cancer, and whether these associations are affected by type and/or stage of cancer.

Results Overall, cancer patients with high muscle strength or CRF levels (when dichotomised as high vs low) had a significant reduction in risk of all-cause mortality by 31–46% compared with those with low physical fitness levels. Similarly, a significant 11% reduction was found for change per unit increments in muscle strength. In addition, muscle strength and CRF were associated with an 8–46% reduced risk of all-cause mortality in patients with advanced cancer stages, and a 19–41% reduced risk of all-cause mortality was observed in lung and digestive cancers. Lastly, unit increments in CRF were associated with a significant 18% reduced risk of cancer-specific mortality.

Conclusion High muscle strength and CRF were significantly associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality. In addition, increases in CRF were associated with a reduced risk of cancer-specific mortality.

Breast Cancer and Exercise

Breast cancer: Consistent evidence from epidemiologic studies links physical activity after diagnosis with better breast cancer outcomes. For example,

A large cohort study found that women who exercised moderately (the equivalent of walking 3 to 5 hours per week at an average pace) after a breast cancer diagnosis had approximately 40% to 50% lower risks of breast cancer recurrence, death from breast cancer, and death from any cause compared with more sedentary women. The potential physical activity benefit with regard to death from breast cancer was most apparent in women with hormone receptor–positive tumors.Exercise, following the diagnosis of breast cancer, has also been shown to improve survival and disease outcomes in this study, this study, this study, this study, this study, this study and this study.A meta-analysis that included over 12,000 women reported that all levels of physical activity occurring post-diagnosis reduced breast cancer mortality by approximately 30% for overweight women and decreased all-cause mortality by 41%, regardless of weight. This is further supported by a recent meta-analysis that concluded that physical activity performed after diagnosis is related to a 24% reduction in mortality among breast cancer survivors.

One prospective observational study of 933 women with local or regional breast cancer found that any moderate-intensity exercise after diagnosis, such as brisk walking, reduced mortality risk by 64% compared to inactive women. Exercise of the same intensity for 2.5 hours per week was associated with a mortality reduction of 67% compared to inactive women.Another prospective cohort study found that women who had breast cancer and who engaged in recreational physical activity roughly equivalent to walking at an average pace of 2 to 2.9 mph for 1 hour per week had a 35% to 49% lower risk of death from breast cancer compared with women who engaged in less physical activity.Generally, a decreased risk of 40% to 67% was observed across studies (study, study, study) A meta-analysis of six studies, covering 12,108 patients, found that post diagnosis exercise was associated with a 34% lower risk of breast cancer–related deaths, a 41% lower risk of all-cause mortality, and a 24% lower risk of breast cancer recurrence.

Prostate cancer and Exercise

Limited evidence from a few epidemiologic studies has suggested a possible link between physical activity and better outcomes among men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

In one study, men with nonmetastatic prostate cancer who engaged in vigorous activity for at least 3 hours per week had a 61% lower risk of death from prostate cancer compared with men who engaged in vigorous activity for less than 1 hour per week.

Another study of men with localized prostate cancer found that higher levels of physical activity were associated with reduced overall and prostate cancer–specific mortality.

Most strikingly, however, evidence from the past several years suggests that physical activity is not only safe in patients already diagnosed with cancer, but also that it may decrease the risk of recurrence and extend survival.

Colorectal Cancer and Exercise

Evidence from multiple epidemiologic studies suggests that physical activity after a colorectal cancer diagnosis is associated with reduced risks of dying from colorectal cancer.

In a large prospective cohort of patients (study) with colorectal cancer, those who engaged in leisure-time physical activity had a 31% lower risk of death than those who did not, independent of their leisure-time physical activity before diagnosis.Several large cohort studies (study, study, study, study) in colorectal cancer survivors document…survival advantages and reduced recurrence risk in patients who engaged in physical activity after diagnosis, with improvements of up to 50%.This study shows that whereas levels of pre-diagnosis physical activity were not related to survival, participants with higher levels of physical activity postdiagnosis were less likely to have a cancer recurrence and had increased survival.

The Effects of Physical Exercise on the Immune System

Source: Pubmed.gov
Physical exercise has numerous effects on the human body, including the immune system. After strenuous exercise, athletes pass through a period of impaired immune resistance. During this period, athletes are theoretically more susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections, although a causal relation has never been demonstrated. Moderate exercise seems to have a beneficial effect on the immune function, which could protect against upper respiratory tract infections.


Source: Cancer Exercise Training Institute

The movement that is performed in rebounding is a complete cellular exercise that provides the stimulus for a free-flowing lymphatic system that will efficiently drain away the toxins.

Lymphatic flow requires muscular contraction from exercise and movement, gravitational pressure, and internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts. Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body. In addition, rebounding:

Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

Kelly Turner, PhD, a researcher who specializes in integrative oncology, studied one hundred cancer survivors and analysed over one thousand cases of people who experienced a “radical remission” from “incurable” cancer. She found that these people did not sit around waiting for a miracle, but made significant changes in their lives. Dr Kelley found ten healing factors common among all of the cases she studied. These ten key factors are:

  1. Radically changing your diet
  2. Taking control of your health
  3. Following your intuition
  4. Using herbs and supplements
  5. Releasing suppressed emotions
  6. Increasing positive emotions
  7. Embracing social support
  8. Deepening your spiritual connection
  9. Having strong reasons for living
  10. Daily Physical Exercise

See more at www.RadicalRemission.com.

Before you exercise during treatment

Always talk with your doctor before you start an exercise program during or after cancer treatment. While exercise is proven to be safe during different types of cancer treatment, your ability to exercise and the types of exercises you can do depends on:

If you were physically active before treatment, you may not be able to follow the same exercise routine as before. After treatment, it will take time to return to your pre-cancer fitness level. Ask your doctor to recommend a qualified cancer exercise specialist who can design the best exercise program for your unique situation. You may be able to follow the plan independently. Or you may need to work with the exercise specialist for some time.

Source: cancer.net

Other benefits of exercise

Research (this systematic review and this study) indicates that physical activity may have beneficial effects for cancer survivorship – specifically, weight gain, quality of life, cancer recurrence or progression, and prognosis (likelihood of survival). Most of the evidence (study) for the potential benefits of physical activity in cancer survivors comes from people diagnosed with breast, prostate, or colorectal cancer.

Anxiety and depression

As well as being distressing, anxiety and depression have been linked to reduced survival following radical cancer treatments. Of note, a large prospective cohort study from California reported that 4.6% of 41 000 men, who were clinically depressed after prostate cancer diagnosis, had a 25% reduction in disease-specific survival compared with non-depressed men.

In conclusion, clinical studies suggest a significant benefit for regular exercise after cancer for improving well-being and disease outcomes.

Walk barefoot for added benefits.

What Is Grounding?
Grounding (or Earthing) is the act of walking barefoot on the beach or on grass. It results in free electrons being transferred from the earth into your body, and this grounding effect is one of the most potent antioxidants known to man.

A 2015 study found that grounding appears to

More studies on the benefits of exercise

Physical activity and breast cancer survival: results from the Nurses’ Health Studies 

A total of 9308 women reported physical activity at least once ≥12 months following a breast cancer diagnosis.
Physical activity was associated with lower risk of death following diagnosis. Increased pre- to postdiagnosis activity corresponding to at least 1-3 h/wk of walking was associated with lower risk of death.

Physical Activity and Survival after Diagnosis of Invasive Breast Cancer 

A total of 4,482 women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Overall, we observed a significantly lower risk of death from breast cancer and death from any cause with increasing total postdiagnosis recreational physical activity. Analyses in which postdiagnosis recreational physical activity was classified as moderate or vigorous intensity showed that women who participated in moderate-intensity activity had a lower risk of death.

Physical Activity and Survival After Prostate Cancer Diagnosis in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study

We evaluated physical activity in relation to overall and PCa [prostate cancer] mortality among 2,705 men in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study diagnosed with nonmetastatic PCa

Conclusion In men with PCa, physical activity was associated with lower overall mortality and PCa mortality. A modest amount of vigorous activity such as biking, tennis, jogging, or swimming for ≥ 3 hours a week may substantially improve PCa-specific survival.

Sources used:
National Comprehensive Cancer Network
The website of the National Cancer Institute (http://www.cancer.gov)The ASCO Post

Cancer Survival Tips

Page updated January 2025

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