
A proprietary water- and lipid-soluble polymer-based nutritional supplement composed of a complex mixture of alpha-lipoic acid bound to palladium…and other minerals, vitamins and amino acids…Upon oral administration, the alpha-lipoic acid-palladium/vitamin/mineral supplement acts as a free radical scavenger, crosses the cell membrane and is able to transfer electrons from fatty acids to DNA via the electron transport chain in mitochondria, which protects against DNA damage. This could protect non-cancerous cells from the oxidative damage caused by radiation and chemotherapy. In addition, in the hypoxic conditions found within tumors, the excess electrons can generate free radicals within mitochondria and could induce both cytochrome c release and apoptosis.

Source: The National Cancer Institute

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Poly-MVA | A New Cancer Breakthrough for Advanced Cancer Patients

Source: Century Wellness Clinic

Could something as simple as a dietary food supplement really help in treating advanced cancer patients? Medical oncologist and homeopathic physician, Dr. James W. Forsythe is hopeful.

Dr. Forsythe has been conducting a Poly-MVA outcome based investigation on various Stage IV Cancers since January of 2004 in Reno, Nevada and has seen encouraging results. “We have seen patients go into full remission with aggressive, stage IV cancers and we see continued positive responses in others with previously chemo-resistant cancer. Other benefits from Poly-MVA are a significantly improved quality of life and a substantial reduction in the number and severity of side effects from chemo and radiation therapies.”

Dr. Forsythe’s Poly-MVA Clinical Results
The Clinical Oncology “Outcome-Based” investigation was over a 26 month period and was conducted on 212 Stage IV cancer patients with multiple cancer origins . The patients are classified into two groups. The first group is administered both the Poly-MVA and chemotherapy. The other group, who refused chemotherapy were on the supplement only. In both groups, the Poly-MVA dosage is administered intravenously for a fifteen day period. The patient is then switched to an oral dosage which could take it up to six to eight months. After six months a maintenance dosage is administered depending upon the remission of the tumor.

The study group that used both chemotherapy and Poly-MVA were treated with low doses of chemotherapy. “My approach to treating cancer uses a lower dose fractionated chemo or “dose dense” chemo where you’re getting it more often but in lower doses. So you’re getting either the same amount or more chemo but its spread out so it’s less toxic to the patient. My patients have less toxicity than patients who receive the ‘sledgehammer approach’ which is to really hit the patient hard with chemo every three-four weeks. The sledgehammer chemo patients often have severe toxicities from the chemo.”

The Poly-MVA outcome-based clinical results: the overall response rate from both groups is 56 percent which includes the following responses; stable disease, partial and complete responses. The overall response rate in patients who received both chemotherapy and Poly-MVA supplement is 61 percent. The overall response rate in patients who received the Poly-MVA supplement only is 39 percent. Patients receiving an initial IV loading dose of Poly-MVA had a 12 percent improved response rate compared to an inital oral loading dose.

Michael Oliver who has been battling prostate cancer tells his story. “My PSA began to rise one year ago and Dr. Forsythe placed me on his clinical investigation with oral Poly-MVA and since this time my PSA has been near normal and I have not required any chemotherapy. I have had no side-affects from the Poly-MVA. I feel better and have more energy.”

Poly-MVA Outcome Based Investigation Conclusions
The top three cancers that were highly responsive to the Poly-MVA treatment were prostate, breast and non-small cell lung cancer. Surprisingly non-small cell lunge cancer is, in general, not a high responder to conventional treatments. Colorectal cancers were the least responsive.

Poly-MVA appears to be a safe and effective natural food supplement for palliative assistance in Stage IV cancer patients either with or without concomitant chemotherapy.

The safety profile is excellent and there was no treatment-related deaths or any significant adverse reactions or negative interactions with chemotherapy or hormonal treatments.

Dr. James Forsythe’s “Poly-MVA Outcome Based” investigation included treating all types of cancer. Dr Forsythe is as an Associate Professor of Alternative Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Where can I get this treatment and more information?
Available at a number of clinics worldwide
Available Onliine

CANCER Breakthrough USA! by Frank Cousineau with Andrew Scholberg


Poly-MVA Survivors website

Cancer Side Effects

Updated January 2025

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