Resveratrol and MSKE (Muscadine grape skin extract)
What is Resveratrol?
A substance found in the skins of grapes and in certain other plants, fruits, and seeds.
What is MSKE (Muscadine grape skin extract)?
A nutritional supplement containing an extract of the skin of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia), with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and potential chemopreventive activities. The skin extract of the muscadine grape contains numerous phytochemicals … muscadine grape skin extract (MSKE) appears to inhibit PI3K/Akt and MAPK signaling, eventually leading to apoptosis and a reduction in tumor cell proliferation.
Source: National Cancer Institute
Resveratrol and MSKE effect on cancer
This Review looked at results from a number of studies:
The clinical trials presented in this review show that resveratrol’s therapeutic efficacy depends on several factors. Resveratrol was more effective in certain types of cancer than in others. For example, it seems to epigenetically reduce the expression of certain breast cancer-related genes, but caused severe adverse events specifically in multiple myeloma patients.
There is enough evidence to suggest that there are some compounds in polyphenolic-rich alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer that prevent suppression of the immune system or could trigger a protective effect. In other words, healthy adults who regularly consume a low to moderate amount of beer or red wine could be less prone to infections…
Natural killer (NK) cells as part of the innate immune system represent the first line of defence against (virus-) infected and malignantly transformed cells…The plant-based nutrition resveratrol is a ternary hydroxylated stilbene, which is present in many foods and beverages, respectively. In humans it comprises a large variety of distinct biological activities. Interestingly, resveratrol strongly modulates the immune response including the activity of NK cells.
…resveratrol is a promising natural compound able to stimulate immune responses including an increase of the NK cell-mediated killing of (virus-) infected and malignantly transformed cells.
Resveratrol is the most well-known polyphenolic stilbenoid, present in grapes, mulberries, peanuts, rhubarb, and in several other plants. Resveratrol can play a beneficial role in the prevention and in the progression of chronic diseases related to inflammation such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration, and cancers among other conditions
… The effects of this biologically active compound on the immune system are associated with widespread health benefits for different autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases.
This study says:
Taken together, the results of this study suggest that MSKE induces apoptosis [cell death] through signaling pathways that modulate ER stress, autophagy, cytoskeletal changes, cell-matrix, and cell-cell adhesion, as well as glycolysis and mitochondrial metabolism …Finally, MSKE-mediated autophagy and apoptosis was antagonized by co-treatment with chloroquine, an autophagy inhibitor. Our results indicate that MSKE can elicit an UPR that can eventually lead to apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.
This study says:
In summary, MSKE treatment significantly inhibited the growth of metastatic prostate tumor cells in vitro [in a lab]and in vivo [in a living organism] by inducing cell-cycle arrest through the targeting of Hsp40 which is involved in cell-cycle progression and cell migration. Furthermore, we demonstrated that MSKE was safe at high concentrations and had a beneficial effect on metastatic prostate cancer. The safety of MSKE was confirmed by a Phase I clinical trial…
This study says:
Here we provide the first evidence that dietary agents, namely, epigallocatechin gallate, resveratrol, or a mixture of polyphenols from green tea (polyphenon E) or grapevine extract (vineatrol), impede prostate cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo…
Updated September 2024