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Liver Cancer

Primary liver cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the liver. Cancer that forms in other parts of the body and spreads to the liver is not primary liver cancer. The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It has two lobes and fills the upper right side of the abdomen inside the rib cage. 

General Information About Adult Primary Liver Cancer


Read the full article on the National Cancer Institute website.

General Information About Bile Duct Cancer


Read the full article on the National Cancer Institute website.

Non-standard treatment options

Source: The University of Chicago Medical Center

Treating Liver Tumors with Sound Waves

Histotripsy is an innovative, non-invasive treatment for liver tumors that uses a robotic machine to target and destroy cancer tissue with ultra-precise sound waves. It’s a powerful tool for doctors to treat certain tumors without any needles, radiation or surgery, even allowing most patients to go home the same day.

The University of Chicago Medicine has been involved for years in bringing histotripsy technology to patients, including conducting some of the earliest clinical trials and being among the first medical systems in the country to offer the treatment following FDA approval. As early adopters, our doctors have deep expertise with the procedure, allowing them to deliver the highest level of care.

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Coleys Toxins
The last recorded successful application of the toxin was in China in 1980 as a primary therapy for the treatment of terminal liver cancer. The patient received 68 injections of Coley’s toxin during the 34 weeks of therapy. After this procedure, the symptoms disappeared completely.

This study says: In conclusion, this study revealed that propranolol could improve OS in patients with unresectable/metastatic HCC [liver cancer]. Propranolol could not only lower the risk of variceal bleeding and HCC development in patients with cirrhotic livers but also lower the mortality risk in those with advanced HCC.

About Cancer

Page updated 2024

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