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Follow Your Intuition

Intuition means, in tuition, or to be taught from within. It is man’s unerring guide.

Florence Scovel Shinn

What is Intuition?

The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.
English Oxford Dictionaries

The following is from Dr Kelley Turner’s 20 Ways to Introduce Healing Factors into Your Life — Starting Today!

Tip #17—Learn Your Intuitive Signals
When you make decisions, big or small, pay attention to your body’s cues. Close your eyes and visualize what it would be like to commit to a choice you’re currently questioning—and see if your stomach clenches or your heart races. Then, visualize the opposite choice, and note how differently your body reacts. As you become more attuned to your body’s intuitive responses, you’ll be better equipped to “hear” your intuition in the moments that matter most.

Trusting her intuition led to two cancer diagnoses

Source: cnn.com
By Debra Goldschmidt, Special to CNN

After following her instincts and seeking a second look, Julie Seitz was diagnosed with thyroid and breast cancer.

Three months after a thyroidectomy to remove cancer and one month after radioactive iodine to treat it, Julie Seitz found herself in an operating room again, this time for a lumpectomy to remove breast cancer.

Seitz’s prognosis was good, although doctors said she would need radiation.

She’s not alone: Fifteen percent to 20% of people diagnosed with cancer are diagnosed with a second cancer, according to Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society. However, he says, it’s unusual for those diagnoses to happen simultaneously.

Seitz’s diagnoses came after she sought a second look. She heeded the recommendation to follow up for a spot on her thyroid even though she was told it was probably nothing, and then she was insistent after being given an all-clear following a mammogram.

In both cases, Seitz, 51, of Atlanta, followed her instincts, and she was right.

One patient advocate applauds that. “She moved the bar in her own favor by being proactive and trusting her intuition,” said Trisha Torrey, who was not involved in Seitz’s case.

Why to Trust Your Hunch You’re Sick – Even if Tests Say Otherwise

Source: US News

You sense that you’re not well, despite showing no obvious signs or symptoms of illness. You just know something is wrong. After going to your doctor, who orders some basic bloodwork, you get the all clear; tests have turned up nothing wrong. You should be relieved – but you just can’t shake the feeling that something is amiss with your health.

“People are getting subtle messages all the time as to their state of well-being,” says Dr. Larry Burk, a consulting associate professor of radiology at Duke University School of Medicine and musculoskeletal radiologist at Duke University Hospital. Experts say there’s reason not to simply shrug off that nagging hunch. Research indicates that self-reported health – how you say you feel – can reliably predict that someone is going to get sick, including forecasting a person’s long-term health and mortality risk, even when medical tests fall short.

For some, the moments of clarity come when all the lights are out. Burk published a small pilot study last year in the journal Explore surveying 18 women from around the world who had dreams that they had breast cancer – before they were diagnosed with the disease. “They went into the hospital, got it checked out [and] sure enough they did – and they had no symptoms,” he says. Burk stumbled across the research focus after three of his friends reported they’d had dreams about having breast cancer before it was diagnosed. One of those friends, he says, whose doctor dismissed the dream and didn’t order a mammogram, was later diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer and died from the disease. He adds that some of the women who dreamed they had breast cancer, including another friend who was treated successfully, were able to point out precisely where the tumors were located in their breasts before they’d been biopsied (and without being able to feel a lump).

Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

Kelly Turner, PhD, a researcher who specializes in integrative oncology, studied one hundred cancer survivors and analysed over one thousand cases of people who experienced a “radical remission” from “incurable” cancer. She found that these people did not sit around waiting for a miracle, but made significant changes in their lives. Dr Kelley found ten healing factors common among all of the cases she studied. These ten key factors are:

  1. Radically changing your diet
  2. Taking control of your health
  3. Following your intuition
  4. Using herbs and supplements
  5. Releasing suppressed emotions
  6. Increasing positive emotions
  7. Embracing social support
  8. Deepening your spiritual connection
  9. Having strong reasons for living
  10.  Daily Physical Exercise

See more at www.RadicalRemission.com.

Cancer Survival Tips

Page updated September 2024

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