Cancer Survival Tips
proven to extend life
Table of contents
“If each thing you did added 3% or 5% to your survival it could make a big difference if you built a whole programme containing these various elements!”
Chris Woollams. Founder of – the UKs no.1 cancer charity
What are Cancer Survival Tips?
A range of therapies and strategies you can use in addition to your main cancer treatment to increase your personal odds of survival and improve your quality of life during and after cancer treatment.
Most of the tips on this page have been shown to extend survival in patient studies. The remainder were either proven beneficial in studies, or recommended by cancer experts or recovered patients.
Surviving against all the odds.
For her ground-breaking book Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds Dr Kelly Turner, PhD studied over 1000 cases of people who recovered from cancer against all odds. She found 10 key factors that most of these people used to get better:
- Radically changing your diet
- Taking control of your health
- Following your intuition
- Using herbs and supplements
- Releasing suppressed emotions
- Increasing positive emotions
- Embracing social support
- Deepening spiritual connection
- Having strong reasons for living
- Daily physical exercise
These feature in Cancer Survival Tips.
Cancer Survival Tips
Take control of your health
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
Studies suggest that people who take control of their physical, mental, and spiritual health tend to live longer. See Take control of your health
Embrace Social Support
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
When cancer patients seek and receive help from family and others, they often find it easier to cope during illness. See Accept social support
Have strong reasons for living
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
A strong reason to live – like wanting to see your children grow up – can affect your mental state and survival. See Have strong reasons for living
Follow your Intuition
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
Intuition (a hunch) is the ability to understand something instinctively. It can save your life if you follow it.
See Follow your intuition
Get a second opinion
Get a second opinion on your diagnosis or treatment plan – especially if cancer was detected during routine screening. See Get a second opinion
Talk to a cancer coach
A Cancer Coach can advise about your proposed treatment plan and ways to increase your chance of returning to full health. See Talk to a cancer coach
Check all your treatment options
Check out all your treatment options. Learn about Integrative (Standard + Complementary combined) and Alternative treatments. See Cancer Treatment Options
Having chemo? Request a Sensitivity Test
If you’re having chemo this test will shows which drug or natural substance will work best for your cancer. See Request a Chemosensitivity Test
Ask the right questions about your Treatment
When discussing any proposed treatment plan with your oncology team it is vital that you ask the right questions. See Ask the right questions
Learn all you can about your cancer type
Info about your type of cancer (from the National Cancer Institute), along with treatment updates that may aid your recovery. See Learn about your cancer type
Radically change your Diet – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
Cancer Stem Cells are the only cells that can give rise to new tumors. There is no known way of eliminating them. This is why cancers usually recur (come back).
However, Dr Young S. Kim, a scientist at the National Cancer Institute in the US showed that poor diet causes cancer stem cells to regrow while a good diet could stop that regrowth.
This American Cancer Society study found that Colorectal cancer patients who improve their diet and lifestyle survive longer with a 42% reduced risk of death than those who do not make the changes.
Go to Radically change your diet
Start Daily Physical Exercise (if possible) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
This systematic review of a number of studies involving 68,000 cancer patients found that superior levels of exercise following a cancer diagnosis were associated with a
28%–44% reduced risk of cancer-specific mortality,
21%–35% lower risk of cancer recurrence,
25%–48% decreased risk of all-cause mortality.
Go to Start daily physical exercise
Increase positive emotions – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
Several studies have shown that a positive attitude or emotional state can boost your chances of surviving cancer. In one study, among patients with metastatic cancers, those who expressed greater hope at the time of their diagnosis survived longer.
Go to Increase positive emotions
Release suppressed emotions – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
This study looked at breast cancer survival and found that expression of emotion was related to better survival, and suppression of emotion was associated with worse survival.
This 2022 study involving 155 female breast cancer patients found a link between earlier trauma and breast cancer. It found that patients’ repression of negative emotions could contribute to the development of a more aggressive Breast Cancer type.
Go to Release suppressed emotions
Deepen your spiritual connection – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
Research shows that in cancer care, being spiritual can have a powerful positive effect on your outcome.
The authors of this study of 2,638 patients treated at 37 palliative care units said their findings suggest the possibility of a positive relationship between spiritual care and survival time in patients with far advanced cancer.
Go to Deepen your spiritual connection
Check out Herbs, Spices, and supplements – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
✔ One of the 10 key healing factors identified by Dr Kelly Turner
In this study 985 stage 4 Esophageal cancer patients were analyzed, including 74 chinese herbal medicine (CHM) users and 911 non-CHM users. The use of CHM was associated with a higher 5-year overall survival rate than CHM nonusers…the overall median survival time was about 7 months longer among CHM users. Additionally, the risk of all-cause mortality was lower among CHM users.
Go to Use herbs and supplements
Heal your gut – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
All illness starts in the gut
Your body holds a finely balanced group of bacteria called a Microbiome. Your microbiome has 90 trillion bacteria to your 7 trillion cells; and it has 75,000 genes to your 25,000. It makes three times the number of proteins, enzymes and messages than you do. Its micro-RNA can trump your micro-RNA. Research is consistent: The Human Microbiome Project (40 Medical Schools, 200 scientists, 3 years, $178 million) concluded, they get ill first, then you get ill. And you can’t get fully better, until they get better.
This 2020 Review article says: …there is evidence that the gut microbiome plays an important role in breast cancer survival…
See full protocol to Heal your gut
Identify and remove your cancer‘s fuel – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Diet and Lifestyle are among the causes of up to 90 percent of cancers, according to this paper published in the prestigious journal Nature. Other things that can fuel cancer include glucose, environmental toxins, toxic relationships, psychological stress, grief or distress, and Geopathic Stress under your home.
Go to Identify what is fuelling your cancer
Get lots of sunshine / boost your vitamin D – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Vitamin D is crucial to the working of your immune system – study. Your Vitamin D levels need to be up to around 50nmol/L (125 ng/ml).
A research article which analyzed a number of studies, found:
There is support in the medical literature to suggest that the 17% increase in breast cancer incidence during the 1991-1992 year may be the result of the past decade of pervasive anti-sun advisories from respected authorities, coinciding with effective sunscreen availability; and
Trends in the epidemiological literature suggest that approximately 30,000 U.S. cancer deaths yearly would be averted by the widespread public adoption of regular, moderate sunning.
Go to Vitamin D
Boost your Immunity – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
The results of this 2019 study showed that in the majority of human cancers, higher immune response was significantly associated with better Overall Survival, Progression Free Interval, or both, which was in agreement with previous reports that pre-existing immunity is probably necessary for most treatment response. The study also demonstrated that in some cancer types higher immune response is significantly associated with worse outcome.
Go to Boost your immunity
Stimulate your Vagus nerve – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
The vagus nerves are the main nerves of your parasympathetic nervous system which controls your heart rate etc.
This 2023 study says: In relapsed/refractory diffused large B-cell lymphoma we found that HRV [Heart Rate Variability]…was a predictor of survival independent of confounders. Patients with higher HRV had 4.85 times greater chances of surviving compared to those with low HRV independent of multiple confounders, including disease severity.
Go to Vagus nerve stimulation and cancer survival
Keep Blood Lipids and Sugar at healthy levels – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Breast and other cancers
This study says: Many clinical studies have demonstrated that statins can influence carcinogenesis and cancer progression. While statins do not affect the incidence of most cancers, they do exert significant benefits on recurrence and survival in many cancer types, including breast cancer. Importantly, statin recurrence and mortality benefits are most strongly seen with lipophilic statins.
Go to Keep your Cholesterol and Triglycerides at healthy levels
Practice Nightly Fasting – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
In this study of 2413 women with breast cancer, nightly fasting duration of less than13 hours per night was associated with a 36% higher hazard for breast cancer recurrence compared with fasting 13 or more hours per night. Conclusions: Prolonging the length of the nightly fasting interval may be a simple, nonpharmacologic strategy for reducing the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Go to Fasting as a cancer treatment
Reduce your risk of Cachexia – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Cachexia affects 50% – 80% of advanced cancer patients, with no effective treatments to date. Here are some products that have been shown to extend cancer survival in patients.
Go to Reduce Cachexia risk
Check out Vitamin C infusions – all except Kidney cancer
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This Study (Drs. Cameron and Pauling) states:
A study has been made of the survival times of 100 terminal cancer patients who were given supplemental ascorbate, usually 10 g/day, as part of their routine management and 1000 matched controls, similar patients who had received the same treatment except for the ascorbate…
The ascorbate-treated patients were found to have a mean survival time about 300 days greater than that of the controls. This 2022 study says Ascorbic acid may become a significant treatment option in the fight against cancer, due to its widespread availability in nature, minimal toxicity, and low cost.
Go to Vitamin C
Book some Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This review says: We included 19 trials in this review (2286 participants: 1103 allocated to HBOT and 1153 to control). For head and neck cancer, there was an overall reduction in the risk of dying at both one year and five years after therapy. See Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Using Herbs, Spices, Plant extracts, and Supplements.
Taking supplemental antioxidants during chemo/radiotherapy.
Some oncologists discourage the use of supplemental antioxidants claiming they could interfere with treatment. However, the opposite is actually the case.
For example, this study concluded: 280 peer-reviewed in vitro and in vivo studies, including 50 human studies involving 8,521 patients, 5,081 of whom were given nutrients, have consistently shown that non-prescription antioxidants and other nutrients do not interfere with therapeutic modalities for cancer. Furthermore, they enhance the killing of therapeutic modalities for cancer, decrease their side effects, and protect normal tissue. In 15 human studies, 3,738 patients who took non-prescription antioxidants and other nutrients actually had increased survival.
This Systematic Review of 19 trials evaluating the effects of Antioxidants concluded: None of the trials reported evidence of significant decreases in efficacy from antioxidant supplementation during chemotherapy. Many of the studies indicated that antioxidant supplementation resulted in either increased survival times, increased tumor responses, or both, as well as fewer toxicities than controls…
This study concluded: Hypotheses that antioxidants’ inhibition of free-radical activity may negate cytotoxic properties of some cancer therapies have been dependent on naive and inaccurate assumptions. The available data suggest a rational basis for the continued use of selected antioxidant agents as therapeutic adjuncts in cancer therapy…
Check out Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
A large scale review of research by Australia and Chinese University scientists has proved with thousands of studies using hundreds of thousands of cancer patients that Chinese herbal medicine offers significant treatment for most types of cancers – including breast cancer.
In this study, 1132 patients with prostate cancer were enrolled.
Compared with TCM nonusers, patients who use TCM for more than 50 days have a lower risk of death. The risk of death in patients who used TCM for 50 to 200 days and ≧200 days decreased by 31% and 39%, respectively.
See Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
Check out Avemar – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Avemar is an all-natural, clinically proven, dietary supplement for cancer patients. Medical experts recognize Avemar as an effective supportive cancer treatment and recommend complementing the diet of concerned patients with Avemar.
This study reporting on 170 patients with colorectal cancer says the results showed significantly enhanced survival and reduced metastases formation in the Avemar treated group even though the prognostic factors of the patients were worse in this arm.
See Avemar
Check out Orasal (Trade Name Salicinium®) – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
A plant-based extract.
This study article says: Results from 675 cancer patients show that Salicinium effectively treats many different types of cancer, significantly extending survival for all groups studied (including a majority of patients with treatment-resistant Stage IV cancer).
See Salicinium
Check out Homeopathy – some cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This study, published in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY reported on 15 patients (9 male, 6 female) with intracranial brain cancers who were treated with…homeopathic preparations… Of the 9 patients with glioma, 8 (88.9%) showed complete regression, and the other patient showed partial regression. Two of the three patients with meningioma showed prolonged arrest of their tumors and the third had complete regression. The one patient with craniopharyngioma and the one patient with pituitary tumors both showed complete regression, and the 1 patient with neurinoma has had prolonged arrest of her tumor as determined by computed tomographic scan images.
See Homeopathy
Check out AHCC (a natural immune-modulating compound) – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
In this study a total of 269 patients with histologically confirmed liver cancers were studied. All of them underwent resection of a liver tumor. Of the 269 patients, 113 received AHCC orally after undergoing curative surgery (AHCC group). The AHCC group had a significantly longer no recurrence period …and an increased overall survival rate when compared to the control group.
See AHCC page
Check out Melatonin (natural hormone) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This study included 250 metastatic solid tumour patients who were randomised to receive Melatonin (20 mg/day orally every day) plus chemotherapy, or chemotherapy alone. The 1-year survival rate and the objective tumour regression rate were significantly higher in patients concomitantly treated with Melatonin than in those who received chemotherapy alone. The tumour response rate in chemo + melatonin group was 42 out of 124 patients versus 19 out of 126 in the chemo only group. 1-year survival: 63 out of 124 patients in the chemo + melatonin group versus 29 out of 126 patients in the chemo only group. Laboratory studies show that Melatonin can target cancer stem cells.
See Melatonin
Check out Vitamin E (Tocotrienols from Annotto) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This study of 23 patients is the first to demonstrate that tocotrienol supplementation in combination with chemotherapy is effective in multi-resistant ovarian cancer. Many patients with advanced recurrent ovarian cancer have a short life expectancy and their condition deteriorates rapidly with a progression free survival of 2 to 4 months and a median overall survival of 5 to 7 months. In this study, the progression free survival increased to 7.8 months and a median overall survival of 12 months. Laboratory studies show that Vitamin E can target cancer stem cells.
See Vitamin E
Check out Paw Paw Cell-Reg (PawPaw extract) – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This study of 94 patients says: James Forsythe, M.D., Director of the Cancer Screening and Treatment Center of Nevada, in Reno, agreed to recruit test subjects for us among his stage 4 cancer patients. Dr. Forsythe found that the paw paw capsules, named Paw Paw Cell-Reg, when given one capsule qid, stabilized a number of patients with advanced breast, lung, prostate, lymphatic, and colorectal cancers…The product was effective whether used alone or as an adjuvant with other treatments including IGF-I and insulin-potentiation. Evidence of effectiveness included reductions in the blood levels of tumor antigens, measurable decreases in tumor sizes, inhibition of further metastases, weight gain, increased mobility, enhanced energy, and increased duration of survival.
See more at Paw Paw Cell-Reg (PawPaw extract)
Check out Polysaccharide-K (PSK) (medicinal mushroom extract) – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This study Two hundred and twenty five patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer treated with Radiation followed by administration of PSK were analyzed. The 5-year survival rates of patients with stages I-II and stage III disease were 39 and 26, respectively, while the non-administered responder group’s were 17 and 8%. These differences are statistically significant.
See more on PSK page
Check out Itracanozole – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Itraconazole is a medication used in the management and treatment of fungal infections.
A total of 5,221 patients newly diagnosed with colon cancer were included in this study which found: The results of the present study demonstrated that itraconazole increased the 5-year survival rate of patients with late-stage colon cancer. Furthermore, treatment with itraconazole decreased TKT expression and induced apoptosis in vitro. Taken together, these results suggest that autophagy plays an important role in itraconazole-induced cell death. Itraconazole is a well-known medication for treating fungal infection and giving new indications to the FDA proofed drug is safe and cost-effective. Notably, itraconazole is associated with clinical outcomes and survival rates in patients with advanced gastric cancer.
See more on Itraconazole page
Check out Ukrain – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
The Ukrainian Anti Cancer Institute has this on it’s website:
Incredible results of the treatment of pancreatic cancer were achieved during clinical research studies with NSC-631570 (UKRAIN) carried out by Associate Professor Gansauge and Professor Hans Beger in Germany. They showed that 30% of pancreatic cancer patients lived more than 5 years after treatment with NSC 631570, while medical statistics show that after conventional treatment methods patients with the same diagnosis live only 4-6 months and only 2.2% of them reach the 5-year-survival rate.
This study, published in the European journal of Cancer states:
In a randomised study 108 patients with advanced colorectal cancer, average 61.2 years, were included. 54 patients were treated with Ukrain as monotherapy and 54 with 5-fluororacil. The therapy results (clinical, haematological, immunological, biochemical) show that Ukrain has favourable properties in the treatment of colorectal cancer and clearly show advantages in contrary to 5-fluorouracil. Stability of the disease was reached in 88.8% and only 27.7% in the control group. The pretreatment with Ukrain facilitated the operability of the patients.
Check out Oleander extract – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Anvirzel (Oleander extract)
This 2014 study presented case reports of 9 metastatic cancer patients who received the extract Nerium oleander. Cases included 4 colon cancer patients, 3 pancreatic cancer patients (1 neuroendocrine and 2 adenocarcinoma), 1 renal cell carcinoma and 1 lung cancer patient…The renal cell patient experienced tumor regression for 12 months with the extract alone; the 3 pancreatic cancer patients and a colon cancer patient experienced disease stabilization. Survival times were extended for all patients with survival times ranging from 32 months to 11 years for these patients with metastatic disease.
Laboratory studies show that Oleander extracts can target cancer stem cells.
See Anvirzel
Cancer Survival Tips – Repurposed Drugs and Compounds
Check out Aspirin – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This 2023 Meta Analysis says:
Meta-analyses of 118 observational studies of mortality in cancer patients give evidence consistent with reductions of about 20% in mortality associated with aspirin use.
An article in Oncology Times reported on a study involving 3,193 patients: Regular aspirin use after diagnosis of prostate cancer is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer mortality and metastases, according to new data from the large observational Physicians’ Health Study (1982-2009) reported at the 2016 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium (Abstract 306). “Among men with prostate cancer, regular aspirin use after diagnosis was associated with a 39 percent decreased risk of dying from prostate cancer,” Laboratory studies show that Aspirin can target cancer stem cells.
See Aspirin
Check out Hydrazine Sulphate (Sehydrin) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Hydrazine sulfate is a compound that has been studied as a treatment for cancer and for cancer-related anorexia (loss of appetite) and cachexia.
This study says: In 38 patients with glioblastomas Sehydrin administration resulted in at least tumor stabilization and tumor regression in 27 (71%)…Survival time was increased from 9 to 16 months (average, 13+0.6 months)–twice the survival as after usual surgery. Eight (30%) of those 27 patients survived more than 19 months and one patient–more than 30 months.
See Hydrazine Sulphate
Check out Antihistamines – most cancer types
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This study included all 54,406 women with Breast Cancer [BC] diagnosed in Sweden 2000 through 2008. It concluded:
This population based registry study shows that women treated with second generation antihistamines have a better overall and BC specific survival compared with non users regardless of age, history of allergy, ER status and tumor stage. The results are strongest for desloratadine use and use after BC diagnosis.
Note: There is some concern that the antihistamine Cimetidine has estrogenic properties. If you have a certain type of breast cancer or prostate cancer, for example, this may be a concern.
See Antihistamines
Check out Beta-blockers – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This study retrospectively reviewed 722 patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who received radiotherapy concluded:
…the incidental use of beta-blockers in this group of patients with NSCLC was associated with improved distant metastasis-free survival, disease-free survival, and overall survival…
This study says: Propranolol was also shown to have an effect on metastasis to the brain – the other major site of interest in breast cancer. This meta-analysis provides evidence that beta blocker use can be associated with the prolonged survival of cancer patients, especially patients with early-stage cancer treated primarily with surgery.
This study concluded…we observed reduced cancer-specific mortality among prostate cancer patients taking beta-blockers. See Beta-blockers
Check out Bisphosphonates (anti-hypercalcemia drugs) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This article in The Lancet referenced a meta-analysis of randomised trials of bisphosphonates involving 18,766 women over a 20 year period. In postmenopausal women, the addition of bisphosphonates resulted in highly significant reductions for bone recurrence (6·6% vs 8·8%) and for breast cancer mortality (14·7% vs 18·0%) at 10 years…This landmark report on breast cancer treatment should lead to widespread adoption of bisphosphonates as a standard of care for the adjuvant therapy of early-stage breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
See Bisphosphonates
Check out Metformin (type 2 diabetes drug) – most cancers (excluding BRAF mutations)
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This 2020 study recruited 2,400 patients with gastric cancer undergoing gastrectomy…Among them, 651 had type II Diabetes and 1749 patients did not have Diabetes. The study showed that the use of Metformin significantly reduces the risk of tumour recurrence and confers cancer-specific survival benefits in patients with stage III Gastric Cancer and Diabetes after surgery.
This meta-analysis looked at 18 studies (8 on lung cancer risk and 10 on lung cancer survival) were included. Metformin treatment was associated with decreased lung cancer incidence and increased lung cancer survival. This study reviewed the records of 460 consecutive patients with pathologically proved stage I-III breast cancer…Regarding overall survival, diabetic breast cancer patients treated with metformin as antidiabetic agent had longer mean overall survival time (59.71 months) than diabetic patients not treated with metformin (41.79 months) and nondiabetic patients (52.0 months).
This 2020 Meta-Analysis of 12 studies involving 35,346 Pancreatic Cancer patients found significant differences in overall survival between Pancreatic Cancer patients who were treated with metformin and underwent pancreatectomy and those who underwent pancreatectomy without metformin use.
Laboratory studies show that Metformin can target cancer stem cells.
See Metformin
Check out Mifepristone (abortion pill) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
Case Report: We show long-term high-quality survival following single-agent treatment with a progesterone receptor antagonist in two cases of advanced metastatic cancer.
This study of 34 ovarian cancer patients treated with Mifepristone says: Nine (26.5%) of these patients had a response to Mifepristone. Three (9%) patients had a complete response, and six (17.5%), a partial response…
Laboratory studies show that Mifepristone can target cancer stem cells.
See Mifepristone
Check out Artemesinin (Anti-Malaria drug) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
The natural compound artemisinin, or sweet wormwood, kills parasites and is effective against pathogens like E coli. It also kills yeasts and can even attack cancer cells.
This study involving 23 patients tested the anti-Colorectal Cancer properties of oral artesunate (a derivative of Artemisinin). Patients planned for curative surgery were randomised to receive either 14 daily doses of oral artesunate or placebo. During a median follow up of 42 months, there were 6 recurrences in the placebo group and 1 recurrence in an artesunate recipient. The survival beyond 2 years in the artesunate group is estimated at 91% whilst surviving the first recurrence in the placebo group is only 57%. Laboratory studies show that Artemisinin can target cancer stem cells.
See Artemesinin
Check out Heparin (anticoagulant) – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This 2020 study published in the journal Cell Adhesion and Migration says:
Clinical studies suggest anticoagulant therapy with heparin leads to better prognosis and survival for patients with diversiform tumors.
A growing body of evidence suggests that heparin can decelerate the development of cancer and metastases. However, the risk of bleeding caused by anticoagulants limits the application of traditional heparin in cancer treatment, leading to the development of a number of synthetic heparin derivatives.
This 2020 study says: A multicenter clinical trial exploring the influence of anticoagulant treatment in 277 small cell lung cancer patients showed that 5-week subcutaneous heparin treatment led to substantially improved survival rates compared to no treatment at 1, 2 and 3 years (40% vs. 30%, 11% vs. 9%, and 9% vs. 6%, respectively)…Additional studies have found evidence that heparin and its derivatives reduce the emergence of metastatic lesions and prolong cancer survival in patients.
How to access off-label drugs
If you can’t get a prescription or the drugs you need,
try Dickson Chemist in the UK. They ship to all EU countries.
Hyperthermia – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
This Study says: Significant improvement in clinical outcome has been demonstrated for tumours of the head and neck, breast, brain, bladder, cervix, rectum, lung, oesophagus, vulva and vagina, and also for melanoma. Additional hyperthermia resulted in remarkably higher (complete) response rates, accompanied by improved local tumour control rates, better palliative effects and/or better overall survival rates.
More about Hyperthermia
Sonodynamic and Photodynamic Therapy Combined – all cancers
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
A combination of sonodynamic therapy and photodynamic therapy is a new composite cancer therapy. This study states: Clinical studies revealed that PDT can be curative particularly in early-stage tumors. It can prolong survival in inoperable cancers and significantly improve quality of life. Minimal normal tissue toxicity, negligible systemic effects, greatly reduced long-term morbidity...
See more at Sonodynamic and Photodynamic Therapy Combined
Oncolytic Virotherapy – solid tumors only
✔ Studies have shown that this extends survival in cancer patients.
The following is from the website of the National Cancer Institute
Treatment using an oncolytic virus (a virus that infects and breaks down cancer cells but not normal cells ). Oncolytic virotherapy may make it easier to kill tumor cells with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is a type of targeted therapy. Also called oncolytic virus therapy, viral therapy, and virotherapy.
RIGVIR® is the world’s first approved oncolytic virotherapy medicine for the treatment of melanoma, local therapy of skin and subcutaneous metastases of melanoma, prevention of relapse and metastases after surgery.
This Study concluded: Rigvir significantly prolongs survival in early-stage melanoma patients without any side effect.
See Oncolytic Virotherapy
Sodium Dichloroacetate
This study says: Observational data collected from more than 300 cancer patients with advanced disease revealed measurable benefits from DCA therapy in 60%-70% of cases…Based on our clinical experience, combined with existing publications, off-label DCA therapy is an option for patients with limited available conventional treatments, once they understand and accept the risks and benefits of therapy.
This study says: Interestingly, DCA could significantly affect cancer stem cell fraction and contribute to cancer eradication.
See Sodium Dichloroacetate
Cesium Chloride (inorganic compound)
This study reports on 50 patients treated with Cesium. An impressive 50% recovered from various cancers, i.e., cancer of unknown primary, breast, colon, prostate, pancreas, lung, liver, lymphoma, ewing sarcoma of the pelvis and adeno-cancer of the gallbladder. A consistent finding in these patients was the disappearance of pain within the initial 3 days of Cs-treatment.
This study warns:
Cesium chloride, which is used as alternative therapy by some cancer patients, has been determined to have significant adverse effects, especially cardiovascular effects.
See Cesium Chloride
Start Juicing
Why? Green Juicing floods your cells with nutrition almost instantly and is a vital part of the recovery process as well as stopping cancer production in your body. See Green Juicing and Blending
Detox your body
Two proven methods of detoxification include Strenuous Exercise and Safe removal of root canals and amalgams. The latter is crucial if you have cancer.
See Detox your body
Ensure Your Blood Oxygen Saturation level is >98%
Why? Oxygen-Starved Tumor Cells Have Survival Advantage That Promotes Cancer Spread. See Blood Oxygen Saturation
Stay Hydrated
Cancer patients are at high risk for dehydration from both the disease and the treatment, according to this study The American Oncology Institute warns that if a cancer patient becomes dehydrated during their treatment, side effects may become even more severe.
Compile a Personal Health Record (PHR)
Your PHR (copies of tests, x-rays etc) is compiled and maintained by you. Having copies of x-rays could save you from repeat exposure if original images are lost.
See Compile a Personal Health Record
Get Grounded
The terms “earthing” and “grounding” is simply the act of placing your bare feet on the earth, or walking barefoot.
According to this 2020 study, grounding:
Connects people to the Earth’s natural healing energy.
Reduces inflammation, pain, and stress
Improves blood flow, sleep, and vitality.
Read more at Get Grounded
Kill Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs).
According to this 2020 study: Cancer stem cells (CSCs) contribute to the initiation, recurrence, and metastasis of cancer; however, there are still no drugs targeting CSCs in clinical application.
How can we target Cancer Stem Cells?
This scientific review says natural products, including those found in common foodstuffs have demonstrated the ability to modulate pathways responsible for Cancer Stem Cells function and inhibition.
Top Five
This 2020 study says: Certain phytochemicals have been shown to interfere with CSC pathways leading to elimination of CSCs, in particular
curcumin (found in Turmeric)
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG – found in GREEN TEA)
sulforaphane (found in broccoli, cauliflower, and broccoli sprouts)
resveratrol (found in red grapes and red wine)
genistein (found in soy beans and fava beans)
See Cancer Stem Cells
Clear Senescent Cancer Cells
Senescent cells are unique in that they eventually stop multiplying but don’t die off when they should. (source)
According to this 2020 Review in Trends in Cancer, a significant number of commonly used cancer interventions have been associated with the induction of cellular senescence in either tumor or non-tumor cells and tissues.
Therapy-induced senescence can cause cancer metastasis and relapse and several adverse reactions to cancer treatments.
How can we target Senescent Cancer Cells?
Senolytics are a class of drugs that selectively clear senescent cells.
Studies have identified the following compounds as Senolytics:
Curcumin (natural plant compound)
Berberine (a plant extract)
Nicotinamide riboside (a micronutrient)
Piperlongumine (a natural alkaloid)
Tocotrienols (a type of vitamin E nutrient)
Danazol (androgenic hormone)
Foxo4 (protein) inhibitors
HSP90 (protein) inhibitors
Navitoclax (ABT263) (anti-cancer drug)
Dasatinib (chemo drug) and Quercetin (a plant pigment) – used in combination.
Phloretin (a crystalline substance)
Selective BCL-XL inhibitors A1331852 and A1155463 ( targeted therapies)
Sources: study, study, 2019 Review
See Senescent Cancer Cells
On completion of your standard treatment you might want to consider a liver cleanse because toxins from treatment can damage your liver and ultimately reduce survival time.
Go to Cleanse your liver
See also Alternative treatments
Cancer Survival Tips from a medical doctor and recovered cancer patient – 4 mins
Cancer Survival Tips from a recovered cancer patient – 2 minutes
Cancer Survival Checklist
1. Radically change your Diet
2. Start daily Physical Exercise (if possible)
3. Heal your gut and kill parasitic infections
4. Identify and remove your cancer‘s fuel
5. Increase positive emotions
6. Release suppressed emotions
7. Deepen your spiritual connection
8. Get lots of sunshine / boost your vitamin D
9. Boost your Immunity
10. Stimulate your Vagus nerve
11. Keep Blood Lipids and Sugar at healthy levels
12. Practice Nightly Fasting
13. Reduce your risk of Cachexia
14. Check out Vitamin C infusions
15. Book some Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
16. Check out Traditional Chinese Medicine
17. Check out Avemar
18. Check out Orasal
19. Check out Herbs, Spices, and supplements
20. Check out Homeopathy
21. Check out AHCC
22. Check out Melatonin
23. Check out Vitamin E
24. Check out Paw Paw Cell-Reg
25. Check out Polysaccharide-K (PSK)
26. Check out Ukrain
27. Check out Oleander extract
28. Check out Aspirin
29. Check out Hydrazine Sulphate (Sehydrin)
30. Check out Antihistamines
31. Check out Beta-blockers
32. Check out Bisphosphonates
33. Check out Metformin
34. Check out Mifepristone
35. Check out Artemesinin
36. Check out Heparin
37. Hyperthermia
38. Sonodynamic and Photodynamic Therapy
39. Oncolytic Virotherapy
40. Sodium Dichloroacetate
41. Cesium Chloride
This page updated January 2025