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Heal your gut and stop lethal parasitic infections

This Review says the last decade has demonstrated the importance of the Gut Microbiome on cancer pathogenesis, progression, sustenance and treatment outcomes.

This 2020 Review article says there is evidence that the gut microbiome plays an important role in breast cancer survival

This 2021 study said they demonstrates that gut diversity is a significant factor for predicting overall survival in cervical cancer patients undergoing chemoradiation.

“Scientists have been stumped as to how bacteria inside your gut can have an impact on a cancer in your lungs, breasts, or skin.”

Andrew Y. Koh, M.D., Associate Professor at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

Parasitic infections and cancer

The term ’parasites’ can include parasites themselves (these do not have to be a meter long but can be microbial), viruses, bacteria and yeasts. About 17 per cent of cancers are known to be caused by parasites, the real figure could be even higher, while in some cancers, yeasts are recognized to be a potential problem during modern orthodox treatments. (source:Canceractive.com)

According to this studycancer patients run a great risk of developing enteroparasitic infections, as they are more susceptible to opportunistic agents due to anticancer treatment and are already immunocompromised because of the disease itself. These opportunistic infections are usually more severe in this group of individuals, and may even lead to fatal complications. Of the 73 participants in the study, 45 (61.6%) were positive for one or more parasitic species…

All illness starts in the gut

An expert in this area is Chris Woollams, a former Oxford University biochemist, founder of the UK’s leading cancer charity CANCERactive, and author of Heal your gut – Heal your body. He advises:

All illness starts in the gut

Your body holds a finely balanced group of bacteria called a Microbiome. Your microbiome has 90 trillion bacteria to your 7 trillion cells; and it has 75,000 genes to your 25,000. It makes three times the number of proteins, enzymes and messages than you do. Its micro-RNA can trump your micro-RNA.

Research is consistent: The Human Microbiome Project (40 Medical Schools, 200 scientists, 3 years, $178 million) concluded, they get ill first, then you get ill. And you can’t get fully better, until they get better.

They get ill? What does that mean? Typically, you lose the volume of the good bacteria; and you lose strains of good bacteria. We call it volume and diversity. When this happens, your Adaptive Immune System (your antibodies) declines. There is clear reciprocity between your microbiome and your immune system. And when your good bacteria and your immune system decline, your pathogens come out to play. 

How to heal your gut

Healing your gut involves four steps – heal the gut wall, kill the bad; add trillions of good; build a new gut lining. You can usually complete this in less than 20 weeks.

In October 2015, research covered in Cancer Watch showed that Bifidobacteria could boost the immune system to recognise rogue and cancer cells better than the new ‘wonder’ immunotherapy drugs.

Use a quality probiotic that contains
L. Acidophilus,
L. rhamnosus and
The first two produce lactic acid to hold pathogens in check, the bifido can attack them. L. rhamnosus also heals the gut wall and ´conducts the orchestra´ – increasing the good guys, and reducing the pathogens.

Eat and they shall multiply! Lactic acid bacteria love pectins – carrots, raw vegetables, apples, pears. Bifidobacteria love inulins – chicory, artichoke, onions – and mother’s milk. They also love a little very dark chocolate (85 per cent plus) and cocoa, and according to three research studies, they like a glass of merlot.

Kill your yeasts
– choose a natural compound like caprylic acid, pau d’arco, or oregano oil. Cinnamon (especially for yeasts already in the blood stream) can also help.

Kill your pathogens and parasites – natural herbs like cloves, slippery elm, black walnut and pau d’arco can make an impact here.

But there’s an important extra – The natural compound artemisinin, or sweet wormwood, kills the malarial parasite and some other parasites. But that’s not all. It is effective against  pathogens like E coli, Fusobacterium and Camphobacteria. It is also the coup de grace against yeasts, and has an important extra benefit. It can even attack cancer cells.

Artemisinin can also cross the blood brain barrier.

It should not be used when undertaking radiotherapy nor for a minimum of two weeks after as radiation increases the uptake of iron in healthy cells. It should not be used if people smoke. 

So, how much artemisinin should you take if you have cancer? An 80 kg male should take approx 600 mg a night. The dose is about 80 mg per 10 kg of body weight.  Although this seems a little high and side-effects can occur if the liver is impaired, the research on cancer patients consistently took place over 12 months or more with no reported issues. 

Eat PROBIOTIC foods – Re-establish diversity by consuming a little raw, unpasteurised cheese (from cows, sheep or goats), sauerkraut and kefir. You don’t need huge volumes of these foods – treat them medicinally. You are just putting bacteria that you have lost back into your gut. And these three foods complement each other perfectly. The bacteria they contain hardly overlap. For example, Kefir is dominated by Lactic Acid bacteria; cows’ milk by bifidobacteria.

Unpasteurised cheese also contains immunoglobulins – these help heal the gut wall AND kick start the immune system.

Other foods might include sourdough bread, kombucha and/or apple cider vinegar, for example.

Eat PREBIOTIC foods – Re-establish volume by consuming relevant Prebiotic foods the good bacteria love – like pectins, lignans and inulin. Flaxseeds, nuts, seeds, oats are also helpful.  These foods will greatly increase the commensal bacteria numbers. People who consume the highest levels of soluble natural fibre have the strongest immune systems by far.

Butyrate also activates vitamin D, controls gut wall inflammation and can kill cancer cells in the gut and around the body. It is really important to heal your gut lining and gut wall to prevent food molecules and toxins crossing in to the bloodstream and causing chronic inflation.

Use immune boosters if you need – Natural Vitamin C with bioflavenoids, chlorella, total Vitamin E, zinc and selenium. Fish oils with added Vitamin D help gastro-intestinal deficiencies. Essiac, Biobran MGN-3, beta-glucans, astragalus, grape seed extract, cat´s claw and echinacea all boost the immune response.

Cut your glucose and fructose to a minimum. And lactose in cows´ dairy. They feed yeasts and cancer cells. Avoid fizzy soft drinks, puddings, refined or packaged foods, common bread or pasta, cake, bought fruit juice and smoothies, biscuits and refined honey.

Many fungi don´t leave, they just become dormant spores. Don´t let them come back to life. Stick to your diet.

Detox – no, not some trendy liquid in a jar – use psyllium seeds and flaxseed with your green juices and smoothies (time to get a Nutribullet), take an Epsom Salts liver flush, or even have colonic irrigation – it´s a quick way to remove all the dead cells. The Yeast and Parasite Killer mentioned above … is also a colon cleanse.

Mebendazole this disrupts the growth of parasites by attacking tubulin and microtubules. The first is in the blood supply tubes to tumours; the latter (microtubules) are crucial to cancer cells.

Read more at canceractive.com

I often talk with patients about prebiotics and probiotics during treatment…Pre- and probiotics can help cancer patients, particularly colorectal cancer patients, because they are more likely to suffer from the problem of gas, bloating and diarrhea…Choosing prebiotic and probiotic foods daily during and after cancer treatment can promote a healthy digestive tract…

Angela Hummel MS, RD, CSO, LDN, onsulting dietitian with American Institute for Cancer Research

See Probiotic and Prebiotic Infographics at  
International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics

Cancer Survival Tips

Page updated January 2025

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