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Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)

What is Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)?

Insulin Potentiation Chemotherapy (IPT), also known as low dose chemotherapy, is one of the safest and most innovative approaches to treating cancer. It is a kinder, gentler way to fight cancer effectively, including particularly aggressive cancers such as lung cancer and colon cancer, but is also effective on a wide variety of cancer types. IPT is an alternative cancer treatment that has almost none of the side effects such as nausea, radical hair loss, liver damage, and DNA distortion that we see routinely with standard chemotherapy. The key to IPT as a cancer cure is the body’s own hormone – insulin…

…Insulin manages the delivery of glucose across cell membranes into the cells. Cancer cells have 10-20 times more insulin receptors on their surface than normal cells. When insulin is released into the bloodstream by the pancreas in response to a meal, the insulin attaches to these receptors on the surface of the cell and, like a key fitting into a lock, opens channels in the cell wall to allow nutrients to go into the cell. Because cancer cells have more of these receptors, they compete for food better than normal cells. In this way, cancer cells thrive and normal cells are compromised…

Sugar – The Sweet Spot for Cancer
You may have heard the expression, “sugar feeds cancer.” Indeed it does. Yet at the same time, sugar is the Achilles heel of cancer.

PET scans for example find cancer by looking at the sugar uptake. The radioactive agent is mixed with sugar water and, because cancer cells take up much more sugar than normal cells, the radioactive agent congregates in the cancer cells. The resulting picture will indicate enhanced uptake and a mass where the cancer is…continue reading this item at EUROMED FOUNDATION

Scientific evidence

This study says:
We present hereby 3 cases of our original practice, which demonstrate the efficiency of IPT in the treatment of metastatic tumors, following failure of standard chemotherapy…To our opinion the presented cases are indicative of the therapeutic potential of this method with no se-rious toxicity. We consider that it is possible to apply IPT after unsuccessful standard chemotherapy and ra-diotherapy.

This study concluded:
Our present experience with IPTLD (in more than 400 treated patients) with various tumors as well as the practical experience of the growing number of doctors practicing the method gives us a reason to assume that IPTLD method provides a real opportunity for resolving one of the most serious problems of toxicity associated with chemotherapy using maximum tolerated doses. A certain advantage of the method along with its effectiveness is the significantly improved quality of life of the treated patients.

This study says:
Overall, both the short and long-term clinical results using insulin in this adjunctive or potentiating role in cancer chemotherapy have been very good, – and better when compared to conventional practice without insulin.

This study says:
A reduction in tumor markers was observed in forty five (53%) of eighty five patients who completed six treatments. Tumor markers in seven (8%) of those eighty five measured within range after six treatments.

Potential Side effects

This study found:
The most commonly reported effects of treatment were fatigue and lethargy on the day of treatment, and these effects did not disrupt treatment or require additional medications. These side effects resolved the day following treatment. Lab control tests did not reveal any significant toxicity.

Four of the one hundred forty-eight patients who had more than six IPTLD procedures (1.3%) reported nausea and vomiting upon receiving treatment. Patients reported these side effects resolving the following day. Two of 148 patients (1.36%) demonstrated an allergic reaction to vitamin B complex, which was easily controlled by an application of corticosteroids.

Low blood sugar is a further side-effect according to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Where can I get this treatment and more information?

IPT is available in a number of cancer clinics worldwide, including:
Oasis of Hope,
Immunity Therapy Center
(US / Mexico)

Chemothermia Oncology Center (Turkey)

The Kinder, Gentler Cancer Treatment: Insulin Potentiation Targeted LowDose(TM) Therapy
Paperback – October 5, 2009

by Best Answer for Cancer Foundation (Author),

Treating Cancer with Insulin Potentiation Therapy
Paperback – June, 2002
by Ross A. Hauser (Author), Marion A. Hauser (Author)

Patient Testimonials:

Lifeworks Wellness Center patients
Annie Brandt (now President of Best Answer for Cancer Foundation )

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Page updated January 2025

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