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Joe Tippens Protocol

US businessman Joe Tippens was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in 2016. He was told he had less than 1% chance of survival and about 3 months to live. He put together a cocktail of Fenbendazole, vitamins and CBD oil. The Protocol saved his life and now thousands of cancer patients are following his example.

See the full Tippens Protocol at healnavigator.com

Tippens Facebook Group (has over 22,000 members)

Variation to Tippens Protocol

CANCERactive proposes a variation on the Joe Tippens protocol. The following is from the CANCERactive website:

* Let’s start by looking at Joe Tippens’ original protocol for Fenbendazole

From our 20+ years of anti-cancer experience, we would suggest patients use ”total’ complete vitamin E with all 4 tocopherols and all 4 tocotrienols, instead of the succinate version. We also think that the curcumin dose should be at least 1 gm; alongside olive oil and piperine (black pepper). 

Now, we are not excluding Mebendazole – there are arguments for using both Fenbendazole AND Mebendazole (2 x 100 mg daily). It all depends on your cancer, its stage etc etc. We are just trying to keep things simple.

Is there more research on Fenbendazole other than just one man? Yes, in 2021, Doctors from Stanford Medical School (1) treated patients with Grade 4, stage 4 bladder and kidney cancer and used increasing levels of FenBen to 1 gm. 

We have a review on the anti-cancer abilities of FenBen here.

* Adding Cancer Stem Cell killer Ivermectin

How good is Ivermectin against cancer? We have a Review on IVM and cancer here. On top of that, there’s research specifically on its benefits as a cancer stem cell killer (2) and in vivo trials using mice with breast cancer showed that IVM was not as good as Paclitaxel at killing off cancer cells, but was excellent at killing cancer stem cells. All this from the safest drug the FDA ever approved.

1. Stanford Study on Fenbendazole – https://www.onedaymd.com/2024/08/fenbendazole-in-stage-4-cancers-2021.html. 

2.  Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stemlike cells – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29257278/ 

Updated January 2025


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