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Integrative Oncology is a holistic and patient-centered approach to cancer care. It uses both conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy, and surgery, alongside complementary therapies such as Mistletoe therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It is designed to ease the patient’s suffering, address the important emotional and psychological impact of cancer, as well as alleviate symptoms of the diseases and ease side effects of conventional treatments.

Mind-body interventions such as meditation or yoga, nutrition and acupuncture are also part of this approach, in a multi-disciplinary and coordinated way.

Multiple studies have demonstrated the benefit and potential of integrative cancer care in reducing patient suffering and improving long-term prospects.

Note: Integrative cancer treatment is not part of standard of care for cancer patients in Ireland. The following may be of help to some patients:

Which clinics and hospitals offer Integrative treatment?

Important to Note:
1. Some clinics do not provide 24/7 medical care and some do not accept bed-ridden patients. Be sure you know exactly what is on offer.
2. Some cancer types do not respond to certain treatments.
3. All the clinics listed have an English language version or can be translated using Google Translate.
4. This list is not complete and I have no financial involvement whatsoever with any of the Treatment Centres featured on this site.

International Immunology Foundation (Germany)
Treats stage 4 cancer

Stage 4 cancer treatments for Breast, Prostate, Lung, Colon and a number of others.

Treatments available at this clinic: OncoPherese
About OncoPherese
The central mystery of oncology for decades has been: Why doesn’t the immune system destroy cancer cells as soon as they form?…we now know that cancer cells shield themselves with immune inhibitors, much the way military aircraft release chaff and flares to fend off missiles. 

OncoPherese is an extracorporeal technology that physically removes immune inhibitors from the blood and the tumor microenvironment. The technology causes no injury to normal cells and thus no significant side effects.

Advantages of OncoPherese
OncoPherese now appears more effective overall at destroying malignant tumors than either chemotherapy or radiation, especially in patients with Stage IV disease – generally accompanied by heavy tumor burden from multiple metastases, extensive prior chemotherapy, and exhaustion of conventional therapeutic options. 

  • Relatively mild, short-term side effects, in dramatic contrast to chemotherapy and radiation
  • Effective against most if not all solid-tumor cancer types (i.e. no blood cancers)
  • Expected lack of long-term complications such as secondary cancers known to follow chemotherapy and radiation.
  • High response rate even in patients who have exhausted all other therapeutic options

Oasis of Hope (Tijuana, Mexico)
Treats stage 4 cancer

See survival rates at this clinic
Stage 4 Cancer Treatments for many cancer types including Lung, Breast, Prostate etc

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Angiogenesis Inhibitors
Chemotherapy (Low Dose)
Cell Redox Regulation Therapy
Cytotoxic therapy
Contreras Alternative Cancer Treatment (C-ACT)
Dendritic Cancer Vaccine
Emotional Support
Epigenetic Cancer Therapies
Insulin Potentiation Chemotherapy (IPT)
Immune Stimulation Therapy
Integrative Regulatory Therapy (IRT-Q)
Low Dose Chemotherapy
Lymphocite Therapy
Nutritional Cancer Therapy
Oxygen Therapy
Oxidative stress precondition
Ozone autohemotherapy
Patients Cancer Diets
Radiation Therapy
Signal Transduction
Sodium Bicarbonate
Spiritual Support
Stem Cell Therapy
Targeted Cancer Therapies
Vitamin C
Vitamin K3

Issels® Immuno-Oncology Centers (Nevada, USA) Treats stage 4 cancer

See survival rates at this clinic

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Issels® Immunotherapy for Cancer protocols include various combinations of the following treatment modalities depending on the individual’s diagnosis:
Autologous Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccine. 
Dendritic cells are key regulators of immune responses and orchestrate innate and adaptive immunities. They are the most potent antigen-presenting cells and have the potential to invoke an anti-tumor immune response. The vaccine is cultured from the patient’s own peripheral monocytes in the presence of a recombinant growth factor, special cytokines and the patient’s own tumor antigens. These items are then fractionated into peptides in order to achieve a more specific immune response.
Prostate Cancer Cell Therapy. 
This vaccine is designed to stimulate a patient’s immune system to target prostate cancer cells. The preparation of the vaccine involves culturing the patient’s peripheral monocytes in vitro in the presence of a recombinant growth factor, special cytokines and their own prostate-specific antigen.
Lymphokine-Activated Killer Cells. 
Also known as LAK Cells. These cells are autologous lymphocytes, (T-cells) that in the presence of Interleukin-2 are expanded and activated to destroy cancer cells.
Activated Natural Killer Cells. 
Also known as NK Cells. NK Cells are autologous natural killer cells, a type of lymphocytes of the innate immune system that in the presence of Interleukin-21 and special cytokines are expanded and activated to destroy cancer cells.
Systemic Hyperthermia. 
Systemic Hyperthermia enhances immune functions.

I tell my patients that I think of cancer as a weed. Modern western oncology is focused on destroying the weed while integrative oncology concentrates on the soil the weed grows in and on making the soil as inhospitable as possible to the growth and spread of the weed.

Jeffrey M. Drazen, Editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine from 2000 to 2019.

List of clinics in UK

(scroll down to Clinics)

Special Hospital Dr. Herzog (Germany)

Accepts child patients
Treatments available at this clinic include:
Biologic cancer therapy
Immune stimulation with mistletoe lectines
Standardized thymus peptides
Treatment with enzymes
Orthomolecular therapy
Autohemo therapy like ozone therapy or oxygen multistep therapy
Whole Body Hyperthermia
Local Hyperthermia
Surface Hyperthermia
Biological Treatments
Treatments for Detoxification
Nutrition in Cancer
Mistletoe Thymus
Several methods of classical natural medicine
Detoxifying treatments
Colon hydro therapy
Therapeutic fasting
Coffee enemas
Special oncological physiotherapy including
Lymphatic drainage
Breathing exercise 
Sports therapy.
Traditional Chinese medicine
Psychological treatment methods including
creativity workshop and meditation
Conventional Treatments
Antibody therapy
Pain therapy
Special Therapies

Dr Ralph Moss (The Moss Report) rating:
Highly recommended, especially for those seeking an integrative approach and for the treatment of children with cancer.

Gisunt Klinic (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
A wide range of options including Prostate hyperthermia – transurethral 
Laser-induced tumor therapy  – Targeted tumor destruction by laser.
Active fever therapy 
Biological immunostimulation 
Oxygen multistep-therapy (OMT) 
Ozone therapy 
EDTA Chelate therapy 
Conventional Treatments
Hormone therapy 

Gerson Health Centre, Europe (Hungary)
Health Institute de Tijuana (Mexico)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Gerson Therapy
Medical evaluation of lab work, physical examination and discussion of symptoms during stay.
Personalized Gerson Therapy protocol and adjustment of protocol throughout the course of the Gerson Therapy.
Guidance on continuing with a local physician and/or oncologist while undergoing the Gerson Therapy.
Classes and lessons to learn the Gerson Therapy and how to implement it upon returning home.
All Gerson Therapy meals, juices, supplements and detoxification prepared during stay.


Treatments available at this clinic include:
IO-VAC® Vaccine
Explained simply, we combine an oncolytic virus and the patient’s tumor material with dendritic cells in our laboratory to produce the personalized vaccine IO-VAC®. This vaccine then activates the patient’s immune system to fight the tumor. The IOZK is the only institution in Europe that has received the regulatory approval to produce such a vaccine.
Oncolytic viruses, such as the Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV), are viruses that attack tumor cells and destroy them. 
Hyperthermia Modulated electrohyperthermia causes an elevated temperature in, and a stimulation of, tumor cells through electromagnetic waves, without affecting the healthy tissue. Through this, the tumor cells produce certain danger signals on their surface that provoke and intensify an immune reaction. 
Therapy with Checkpoint Inhibitors
In a sense, they release the brakes on the immune cells and thus enable the immune system to fight the tumor again. 
Modulation of the Tumor Microenvironment The microenvironment of the tumor refers to the structure of connective tissue into which the tumor is embedded. 
Optimization of Micronutrients and Vitamins In order to operate optimally, the immune system needs to be supplied with sufficient micronutrients and vitamins.

I consider this a serious clinic working in a responsible manner to provide patients with cutting edge immunotherapy. Their claims are modest, but for that reason are more credible.

Ralph W Moss Ph.D. The Moss Report

3E Centre  (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:        
Discover The Causes
Holistic Approach
Oil-Protein Diet
Intensive Detoxification
Increase Cell Electrical Potential
Colonic Cleansing
Optional: Immuno Stabilization
Optional: Infusion Program
Take time out in a positive environment
Build up energy, quality of life and trust
Resolve possible traumatic experiences which can leave you emotionally burdened.
Strict and original oil-protein diet according to Dr. Johanna Budwig
Proven and simple detox measures
Immune system stabilization
Reduction of stress and destruction of negative emotions (eg. anger, fear)
Optional: Infusions to boost energy
Colonic irrigation sessions
To create a new understanding of what cancer is
Unique mental techniques to support the body’s self-healing abilities
5 Elements Music (TCM)
Movement and yoga
Meditation and spiritual work

Northern Baja Gerson Center

Note: This is not a Gerson-licensed clinic
Treatments available at this clinic include:
The Advanced Gerson Therapy is a comprehensive, holistic, all-natural approach utilizing a myriad of scientifically proven immunological nutritional and detoxification therapies to successfully reverse a vast majority of degenerative diseases including terminal cancer.
COLEY’S TOXINS: Coley’s toxins are an immune stimulating, injectable (dead) bacterial reagent documented historically to have cured many cases of advanced cancer. 
DENDRITIC CELL THERAPY: Dendritic cells are like generals in your body they go around seeking out threats to the system then they present those threats to the immune system and it is then the immune system that rallies the immune response against the disease.

Klinik im LEBEN (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
A range of Hyperthermia treatments
Vitamin C high dose and other infusions
Enzyme therapy
Fever Therapy / Artificial Fever / Hyperthermia
Immune stimulation and regeneration with organopeptides
Local water-filtered infrared hyperthermia (Hydrosun)
High-tone therapy
Specialty Oxygen Therapies ( IHHT , Ionized Oxygen , HOT , OZONE)
Special immunomodulators-BK-RiV, facilitator GcMAF
Flower essences
Lüscher – Regulation Psychology and Coaching
Psychoenergetic Information Therapy
Shamanic body check – soul retrieval
SOL Hypnosis®
Family tree healing
Ancient Medicine Shamanism
Biomagnetic therapy according to Dr. cutter

Hufeland Klinik (Germany)

Accepts child patients
Treatments available at this clinic include:
Mistletoe therapy
Fever therapy
Art therapy
Colon Hydrotherapy
Therapeutic Fasting
Physical therapy
Brain light
Autohormone therapy according to Prof. E. Schliephake
Color light therapy
HiToP® 182
Kneipp therapy
Pneumatic pulsation therapy
Respiratory Biofeedback
Infusion treatment
Immune system booster
Infusion with vitamin C
Liver Reconstruction Infusion
Detox infusion
Procaine Base Infusion
Lean Legs Infusion
Autologous blood therapy with ozone
Selenium infusion
Magnesium infusion

Individual interviews
Relaxation techniques
Bochum Health Training

This is a very good clinic, particularly for those who want to minimize the use of conventional treatments. It is a very attractive and well-run facility with a long history of helping patients.

Ralph W Moss Ph.D. The Moss Report

The BioMed Clinic  (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Deep Regional HyperthermiaWhole Body Hyperthermia (WBHT)Intracavitary Hyperthermic Perfusion (IHHP)Surface Hyperthermia (SHT)
Mistletoe therapy
Orthomolecular medicine
Oxygen therapy
Palliative medicine
Group offers
Autogenic Training
Relaxation by Jacobson
Intuitive Painting.
Working with Clay
Pastoral care

PraxisKlinik Frank Daudert   (Germany)

Note – There is a sister clinic in Austria (ProLife Therapie Center, Igls) but it cannot offer whole-body hyperthermia.
Treatments available at this clinic include:
Stabilization of the immune system
– Administration of high vitamin doses and mineral infusions
– Application of fresh-cell extracts
– Blood irradiation of highly selective UV light (subtype C)
– Magnetic resonance therapy
– Infusions for detoxification / neutralization, destabilization of the protective mechanisms (camouflage mechanisms) of cancer cells
Insulin therapy
– Blood sugar of the body and low-dose chemotherapy
Cancer cells derive their energy almost exclusively from glucose in the cells and have a high concentration of insulin receptors at their outer core. The forced hypoglycaemia makes the membrane of cancer cells more permeable. During this phase, glucose and low dose chemotherapy are infused together, causing virtually no damage to healthy cells.
Hyperthermia treatments
– The local surface and deep hyperthermia
– The whole-body hyperthermia
Use of anticancer agents derived from natural health medicine
– medicinal mushrooms/fungi
– plant substances
– High-dose vitamin C
Chelation – Therapy

Center for Advanced Medicine (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Extracorporeal Hyperthermia Perfusion – EHP®
Alternative Cancer Therapies
IPT (Insulin Potentiated Therapy)
PDT (Photodynamic Laser Therapy)
New: EHP hyperthermia
Local hyperthermia
Prostate hyperthermia
Whole body hyperthermia

Hallwang Clinic (Germany )

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Anti-hormone therapies
Conventional chemotherapies
Optimized conventional chemotherapies –
(nano-particle or liposomal encapsulated
– i.e. small molecule therapy / genetic targeted therapy
Local application processes
Selective-Internal-Radiation-Therapy (SIRT)
Transarterial chemoembolization/-perfusion (TACE/TACP) /
High-Intensity-Focused-Ultrasound (HIFU)
Microwave ablation (MWA)
Cryotherapy – Cryosurgery – Cryoablation
Radiotherapy / CyberKnife
Complementary medicine
Orthomolecular Medicine
Ozone Therapy
Hyperbaric Chamber

Medicolonia (Cologne, Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Total-body hyperthermia (TBH)
Local hyperthermia (LH)
Mistletoe extract therapy
Immune therapies
Dendritic cells (DC)
Ozone therapy
Medical cannabis
Chronic fatigue syndrome

Medias Klinikum (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Regional chemotherapy  Compared to conventional therapy methods, RCT has very few to no side effects.
Immunotherapy  Various methods are used, such as monoclonal antibodies or personalised tumour vaccination.
Electrochemotherapy is a cancer therapy method in which a low dose of a chemotherapeutic agent is administered directly into the tumour region by means of an electric pulse. administered directly into the tumour region by means of an electric pulse. 
Hyperthermia is the targeted and controlled overheating of tissue in cancer therapy. The aim of this method is to cause lasting damage to tumour cells by means of electromagnetic waves and the associated increase in body temperature from the outside and to induce their cell death. It can be used as an adjunct to cancer therapy.
Oncological surgery focuses on the surgical removal of malignant tumours. 
Pain therapy aims to alleviate pain that occurs in the course of tumour treatment. 

Infusio (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
An individualized immunotherapy that harnesses your immune cells to work more efficiently.
Relieve pain, promote deep muscle relaxation and blood circulation to support healing
Colon Hydrotherapy
A procedure in which large amounts of water are flushed through the colon
Dendric Cell Therapy
A cancer vaccine made from your own blood In the lab
EGCG is a plant compound commonly found in high amounts in green tea known for it’s anti-cancer,…
Exosomes from young stem cells are responsible for rejuvenating older cells in the body.
Using the raw data from 23andME® our team determines up to three basic supplements to support your genetic SNPs.
Global Diagnostics
Global Diagnostics is an alternative whole body scanning and treatment system from Germany based on bioenergetics.
IV Therapy
Replace various vitamin deficiencies and increase bio availability of essential nutrients
Laetrile IV Therapy
Laetrile IV Therapy (aka Vitamin B17, Amygdalin) found in the seeds of apricots and other fruits is not only…
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic drainage helps reduce cellulitis, swelling, and water retention. It is also used to assist in
NAD can improve metabolism. It is also known to assist the body in energy production.
Novo Thor
Deliver infrared light to the body to encourage cell growth and reduce pain and inflammation.
A nutritionist will discuss eating habits and food choices and a customized diet plan and supplement recommendations .
Ozone Therapy
Delivers high levels of oxygen to the bloodstream to regenerate tissue, reduce oxidative stress, pain and inflammation, and promote release of stem cells.
Regional Hyperthermia
Regional hyperthermia is a treatment used to combat cancer by heating and destroying cancer cells inside the…
Thymus Therapy
Support and restore thymus gland function, modulating the immune system by regulating the immune cell production.
Vitamin C and Doxycycline IV
The intravenous Vitamin C & Doxycycline IV Treatment is used to minimize the growth, spread, and…
IV High Dose Vitamin C High dose intravenous Vitamin C is used to strengthen the immune system, fight infection and combat…

Praxisgemeinschaft für Zelltherapie (Germany)

Treatment available at this clinic: Dendritic Cells
The immune system helps people to stay healthy by recognizing bacteria and viruses as well as cancer cells as noxious and by killing these. It has been know for quite some time that for the recognition of foreign materials (antigens) the body needs antigen presenting cells. These antigen presenting cells alert the immune system to the intruder and activate further immune cells that fight the antigen by various means.
During immunotherapy with dendritic cells a subgroup of white blood cells of a patient, the monocytes, harvested through conventional blood taking or leukapheresis, is isolated. In the laboratory these monocytes are differentiated into antigen presenting cells, the monocytic dendritic cells, by addition of cellular messengers (cytokines, growth factors).
During this time the immature dendritic cells can additionally be “made aware” of the cancer by for instance adding lysed tumor cells or known tumor antigen peptides to the cells. The immature dendritic cells can take up tumor antigen or lysed tumor cells and present important parts of these on their surface. This process is called priming. In addition dendritic cells are capable of taking up tumor antigens in the patient’s body and this can be enhanced by giving certain cellular messengers.
After 7 days the primed and activated dendritic cells are injected into the skin or a vein of a patient. Sometimes there will be concurrent immunological stimulation with cellular messengers locally as this can improve the immune response in certain cases.

Hyperthermie-Zentrum Praxisklinik (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Surface Hyperthermia
Regional Deep Hyperthermia
Regional Deep Hyperthermia
Whole Body Hyperthermia
Prostate Hyperthermia

Gorter Model (Germany)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Immune restoration
ozone therapy;
various forms of hyperthermia;
Mistletoe (Viscum album);
Cannabis (THC and CBD);
Nutrition and orthomolecular medicine;
Lifestyle and mind-set.

Budwig Center (Malaga, spain)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Pulse / Cell Sonic Therapy that switches the electrical polarity of the cells.
FOUR-IN-ONE Holistic Treatment applied to balance the autonomic nervous system and locally to apply FIR heat on a diseased area.
Hydrogen Inhalation. 
Whole-Body Hyperthermia.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. (minimum 10 sessions recommended).
Group Teaching Sessions (Budwig Guide and protocol is reviewed with questions and answers sessions) with detailed information on what foods to eat and what to avoid, recipes, meal recommendations, cancer research, and Frequently Asked Questions.
Sessions of Par-Bio magnetics – restores proper pH levels of the body which leads to improved energy, elimination of fungi, parasites, and pathogens.
Daily inhalation of pine needle oil extract (for better circulation)
Total Body analysis using GSR, and VEGA CHECK AND TEST which includes Food Intolerance Testing. which is done at the beginning of the program and a comparative test is done at the end of the program (includes 5 – 6 remedies)
Budwig Recipe Book.
Foot Bath – For Lymph and Kidney detox therapy.
Emotional Rebalancing with EFT, EVOX, and Kinesiology.
Matrix Regeneration Therapy – For detox and balancing metabolism.
Food Intolerance Testing.
Frequency generator sessions– adjusted personally to each patient’s health needs
Herbal packs – For kidney and liver treatment
Cranial and sacral osteopathic adjustments and facia restoration
Spinal Realignment on the Jade massage bed with Far Infrared heat

Zentrum für Integrative Onkologie (Switzerland)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Medication-based Tumor Therapy/Chemotherapy
Hormone treatments
Bisphosphonates and other bone stabilizers (in cases of bone metastases)
Transfusions of blood and platelets (erythrocyte and platelet concentrates)
Mistletoe Therapy
Mistletoe preparations strengthen the body’s own defense mechanisms, reduce side effects of chemo and radiation therapy, and improve quality of life.
Our center provides moderate whole-body hyperthermia and localized deep tissue hyperthermia. 
Plant-based and Natural Therapies
We implement complementary and supporting medication from the vast arsenal of remedies from the field of homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine.
Orthomolecular Medicine
Orthomolecular medicine focuses on the targeted strengthening of physical recovery. This is primarily achieved through a balanced diet with additional nutrition depending on requirements, antioxidants, and micronutrients.
Psycho-oncology and Psycho-oncological Consultation
To support you in processing and conquering the disease as well as its effects on your soul and psyche, we provide psychotherapeutic sessions on an individual or group basis. We also offer biographical work.
Anthroposophic Therapy Processes
External applications, rhythmic massage, healing eurhythmy, music therapy, painting and plastic arts therapy are also included in our available treatment services.
Pain Therapy
We use various pain medication in tablet or patch form or, if necessary, pain medication pumps or catheters.
During cancer treatment, a balanced diet based on patient requirements is very important to ensure a positive course of treatment. 
Physiotherapeutic Treatment Services in Oncology
Breathing therapy
Lymph drainage therapy with or without bandages
General mobility therapy
Craniosacral therapy
Bowen fascial release technique
Giger training tool / ergometer
Physiotherapeutic consultation and support
Relaxation therapy

Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle  (Switzerland)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Individual nutritional advice
Full-body hy­per­ther­mia and fever therapy
Hy­per­ther­mia, used locally and very intensively (Oncotherm or Indiba)
Pulsating magnetic field therapies
Immune stimulation and immune regulation with SANUM therapies 
Alkaline infusions (bicarbonate) with medicinal supplements
Intensive biological tumor therapy com­bi­na­tions, an­tiox­i­dant
High-dose vitamin C infusions (in combination with alkaline infusions)
DMPS and EDTA infusions (chelation therapy) in the case of toxic exposure and also after chemother­apy
Mistletoe therapy
PAP IMI (ion induction therapies), a very strong treatment procedure
Organ cell extracts (“cell therapy”): stimulation of e.g. the adrenal glands, thymus, specific organs etc.
General detox­i­fi­ca­tion and especially dental detoxification are very important
Body Mind therapies to reset the autonomic nervous system (our regeneration capacity)
Antigen therapies in the case of car­cino­genic bacteria
Photodynamic therapy (PDT), as well as localized laser therapies for skin tumors
Biological cancer therapy is extremely in­di­vid­u­al­ized and multifactorial

Integrative Immuno-Oncology (Austria)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Whole body hyperthermia
Loco-regional hyperthermia
Ozone therapy
High-dose Vitamin C
Mistletoe Therapy
FMT ( faecal matter transplant)

Care Oncology Clinic (UK)
Care Oncology Clinic (USA)

Standard cancer treatments alone may not be as effective as combination therapy and may have unacceptable side effects.
The Care Oncology Clinic is undertaking a study and providing treatments that may complement and enhance standard of care therapy. Treating your cancer in combination with your existing treatment may increase its effects. The Care Oncology Clinic is a leading London cancer clinic, providing treatments that are well understood with low side effects, thereby offering an improved quality of life.

Block Center Integrative Cancer Treatment (Illinois, USA)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Diagnostics & Testing – The key to effective integrative care is to individualize treatment to you, which starts with a total understanding of what is going on in your body. Uncommonly thorough testing helps us determine how to tailor your treatment and change your body chemistry.
Chemotherapy  We often treat cancer using chemotherapy, but in ways that maximize its benefits and minimize its side effects.
Radiation Therapy If it will be effective, we will consider and may recommend radiation therapy as part of your  treatment plan.
Cancer Surgery– Surgery to remove or debulk tumors is an essential and highly effective treatment for cancer. 
Chronomodulation – Your body has rhythms — sleep, feeding, cell regeneration, hormone production — and they influence both the toxicity and effectiveness of anticancer medications. We’ve pioneered methods that allow treatment at the best times of day and rate of delivery to reduce side effects and dramatically increase the efficacy of treatment.
Nutrition – The quickest, surest way to change your body chemistry is nutrition, and that’s important for fighting cancer. At the Block Center, nutritional intake — including dietary supplements — is a fundamental aspect of every individualized treatment plan because of its ability to make your body less hospitable to — and more able to fight — cancer.
Biobehavioral Care Psychological stressors are known by science to affect biochemistry, including your body’s immune response and gene expression. 
Fitness & Exercise Basically, exercise helps our bodies and their processes to run optimally… and to resist cancer. So we integrate some form of exercise into every treatment plan because it helps create an environment that’s inhospitable to cancer.
Cancer Recurrence Prevention After you’re in remission, we help you stay there with individualized recurrence-prevention plans that help keep your body unwelcome to cancer.

Forsythe Cancer Care Center  (Nevada, USA)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
Full-dose Chemotherapy and The Forsythe Immune Protocol with CST (Cancer Sensitivity Testing)
The Forsythe Immune and The Forsythe Lite (low-dose chemotherapy) with Non-Toxic Potentiated Therapy (LDIPT)
Alkaline H2O and PH Therapy
Chemo-Sensitivity Testing (CST) on Whole Blood
The Forsythe Immune Protocol
Nutritional and Lifestyle Guidance
Individualized Dietary, Vitamin, Mineral and Herbal Programs
Use of Biologic Response Modifiers Including Immunotherapy
Infusion Center for all Intravenous Treatments
Homeopathics / Nutritional Replacement
Bio-Oxidative Therapy
Detoxification Program
Individual / Group Counseling
Stress Management
Nutritional Counseling
Pain Management Therapy

Cancer Center For Healing (California, USA)

Treatments available at this clinic include:
3D Bio-Scan
BioSound Therapy
Bio-Meridian Test (Bio-Immune Survey)
Dendritic Cell Therapy Vaccine
Deuterium Lite Water
Electro-Equiscope Therapy
EVOX Therapy
Far Infrared Sauna
FireFly Scan (Photon Therapy)
HemoSonic Lymphatic Drainage
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)
IV Therapies
Light Beam Generator with Ozone
LSA (Zyto) Bio-feedback
Nanovated Oxygen Bath Therapy
Ozone Therapy
Photobiomodulation Therapy (Red Light Bed)
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
Nutrition Consultations
ONDAMED Frequencies
Photodynamic Endolaser 
Repurposed Cancer Drugs
Scenar Therapy
SEP Sound Therapy
Thermography Scan
TurboSonic (Whole Body Vibration)

Ensure your treatment is working
There are some laboratory tests (example) that you can use to find out whether or not your current treatment is working effectively…see Ensure treatment is working

Cancer Treatment Options

Updated January 2025

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